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他不经意把杯子打碎了。He inadvertently broke the glass.

然后在某个不经意的瞬间。Then in some nonchalant instantaneous.

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不经意就叹息有种不完整的心情。Casual groan gutty and incomplete mood.

他不经意地进出女厕所。He unwittingly entered the ladies'toilet.

不经意看见一棵棕榈树。Unexpectedly see a washingtonia palm tree.

“邪恶”这个词被不经意的乱用。The word “evil” is tossed around carelessly.

我喜欢“不经意式广播”这个主意。I like the idea of serendipitous broadcasting.

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每行一处,不经意间便沐浴在了花香之中。Each line, inadvertently are bathed in flowers.

不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Don't hurry, the best always come out casualness.

只是在不经意间暗将年轮偷换。Only in the dark will ring inadvertently substituted.

不经意间,发现一篇写竹的文章。Discovered carelessly one writes the bamboo the article.

不经意间还是背叛了自己。我知道终究我还是不得自由。Casual or betray themselves. I knew all I still not free.

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在午餐上,不经意地向一位朋友提起此事。He blurts out his story to one of his friends over lunch.

在对方不经意的时侯,放一些蜜语字条入对方的袋中。Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.

也应该注意避免不经意地共享这些密钥。Also be careful to avoid incidental sharing of these keys.

在双方不经意的时候,缘份将我们连在了一起。Neither of us was looking when fate let us to one another.

人往往在不经意的时候才会懂得。HuHuman often at nonchalant time only will then understand.

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不经意抬头,看见他额上细细密密的汗珠。Inadvertently looked up, saw his forehead thin thick sweat.

你是否不经意地从第一人称换到第三人称?Do you switch willy-nilly from first person to third person?

不经意而来的感受,通常最值得珍惜。Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.