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在美国,沼气系统非常少见。In the United States, biogas systems are rare.

南桐煤矿为一高沼气严重突出矿井。Nantong Coal Mine is a high methane mine with serious outburst.

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然后,他们可以把沼气当成燃料,给积肥场供电供暖。Then they could burn it, to power and heat the compost facility.

大型猪场施行沼气并网发电是未来的发展方向。The large-scale pig farm with power generation netting will be the tide.

目前为止,企业改革的第三支箭已经被证明是沼气了。So far the third arrow about corporate reform has proven to be marsh gas.

生态交通和使用沼气的交通燃料得到改善。Ecologic transportation and usage of biogas as transport fuel are promoted.

农村沼气建设迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。Rural firedamp construction welcomed unprecedented development opportunity.

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唯一需要考虑的是如何保持沼气干燥以避免其内部腐蚀。The only requirement is dry methane to help eliminate corrosion internally.

卫星上有着液态沼气湖,类似早期封冻的地球。Lakes of liquid methane on a moon that resembles early Earth in deep freeze.

试验可以证明,通榆河浮藻可以用来发酵制取沼气。Test can be shown, floating algae can be used to made biogas in Tongyu River.

沼气比较容易运输,并且输油管的技术已经发展得很成熟了。Methane is extremely easy to transport, and pipelines are a mature technology.

一些微生物在消耗由植物产生的沼气时有什么好处?。What is the beneficial point of some microbes consuming plant-produced methane?

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沼气或者煤渣的问题解决起来相对容易。The problem of methane or coal dust in a mine's air is relatively easy to solve.

正中梁上挂着一盏如同电灯般亮的沼气灯。In the middle of there is on bridge as the bright firedamp light like electric lamp.

这项技术大力推广沼气技术的使用,而它的领跑者正是中国。Leading the way is China, which is heavily promoting the use of biogas technologies.

沼气燃烧之后可以供热或者发电,也可以将其提纯,用作汽车的燃料。That gas is burned to create heat and electricity, or is refined as a fuel for cars.

我就是牛,我吃草,沼气从我的屁股放出来,打嗝时又从我口鼻喷出来。I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, and out my muzzle when I belch.

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燃气表广泛适用于天然气、人工煤气、液化石油气、沼气等气体的计量。Product suitable for Nature gas, manufactured gas, LPG and marsh gas etc measurement.

这些小型沼气厂是发展的改革和稳定之路。These micro biogas plants are an innovative and sustainable way to bring development.

无论走到哪里,我们都能看见太阳能热水器和沼气取代了木炭。Everywhere we went, we saw solar water heaters and biogas being used in place of wood.