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一颗彗星的核儿几乎就是一颗货真价实的星星。The nucleus of a comet is almost a star.

哎,这是货真价实的刻纸。Oh no, they are authentic paper carvings.

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他关于蓝调的论文可是货真价实的原作。His thesis on the orgin of blues is original.

他只是拥有货真价实的拿破仑人格。He's just got Napoleon's personality through and through.

请向我保证说货真价实的光剑已经在研制中了。Please tell us you've got a bona-fide lightsaber in the works.

天福茗茶产品品质保证,货真价实。Tenfu's tea products are with quality goods and reasonable prices.

我知道它具有货真价实的自动Wi-Fi探测系统。I understand that it has a real good automatic Wi-Fi detection system.

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从酒店的生意讲,无外乎更好的为客人提供货真价实的服务。Applied to hotel business, honesty means nothing but genuinely good service.

皇室婚礼给崇英派们带来的整整一年的货真价实的财富。The royal wedding caps a year that has so far been a true bonanza for Anglophiles.

啊哈,就像这个国家的经济一样,评论员们错把吹牛皮的人当成了货真价实的天才。Alas, as with the economy, the commentators had mistaken swagger for authentic talent.

人生在世,快乐和痛苦本就分不清,我只求它货真价实。As for life, pleasure and pain can't be told apart clarity. I can only wish it genuine.

在寄售店,你或许能找到货真价实的宝贝。You can find real treasures at consignment shops. Items are often new, if not gently used.

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他们可能是你从未与之交往过却对你怀有好感的人,也可能是你货真价实的前男/女友。These could be people you've never dated who've started to show an interest or actual exes.

“我可是个货真价实的高智商小伙儿,特雷西。”詹姆斯开玩笑地说道。“哦,别烦我了,”特雷西抱怨道。I'm a real intellectual-type guy, Tracy, " James joked. "Oh, give me a break, " Tracy moaned.

他是货真价实的上校,有两个国家授予他肯德基上校的头衔。He was indeed a Kentucky Colonel, an honorary title given to him by not one but two governors.

派利多的厨师是货真价实的西班牙人,虽然他们不久前刚飞抵成都。The cooks are the real thing, though, two cheerful Spaniards flown into town just a month ago.

反观法国的福利,法国的带薪假期,法国的养老金却提供了货真价实的保障。But French benefits, French paid holidays, French pensions provide real, heavy-duty protection.

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面对任何女孩这一招都可以打破僵局,绝对是货真价实的。This ice breaker is so effective that it can work on just about any type of girl, it's pure gold.

这家旅馆建在新墨西哥州的一处货真价实的洞穴里。This hotel is basically built into a cave in Farmington, N.M., just southeast of the four corners.

看官们得到的教训也许就是,疑似的美人计同货真价实的美人计一样凶险。The lesson here, perhaps, is that resembling a honey trap can be as dangerous as actually being one.