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我看着我的小腹。I look at my little belly.

你不想拥有平滑的小腹和结实的胸肌吗?Don't you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard pecs?

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储存火焰能量的位置在丹田,也就是小腹处。The seat of fire energy is in the hara, or lower belly.

炉体有三个洞窗孔小腹,通风。Furnace body has three holes fenestrae lower abdomen, for ventilation.

视线不能自控的看向珑儿的小腹。View not ability from control of see toward the lower abdomen of Long son.

用你的小腹肌肉发力让你的臀部离开你的双手然后再落下。Use your lower abdominals to lift your bottom off your hands and down again.

将你的一只手放在小腹,另一只手放在胸部。Wave breathing Place one hand on your lower abdomen and one hand on your chest.

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“男人们还是喜欢我的,”我说道,手放在小腹上,里面是性别不明的小生命。“Men like me,” I said, hand on the belly that housed a being of unknown gender.

最好用些解痉的药,可以热懯小腹,忌冷。With some of the best antispasmodic drug, can lower abdomen Fu heat, cold bogey.

注意晚上九点以后不宜吃西瓜,容易长小腹和小肚子。Note after nine PM should not eat watermelon, easy long lower abdomen and stomach.

橄榄油中健康的脂肪似乎可以让你的小腹保持平坦,这绝对是件好事。Seems the healthy fats from olive oil keeps bellies flat, which is a mighty good thing.

你好你是医生吗?你怎么知道怀孕小腹疼痛就是宫外孕呢?Hello are you a doctor? How do you know to be pregnant is alvine ache ectopic pregnancy?

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痛感为腰骶酸困疼痛,伴有小腹坠疼、白带增多。Pain for the lumbosacral acid trapped pain, pain, leucorrhea with alvine pendant increase.

哪位妇科医生能告诉我小腹经常疼痛,月经也不规律,怎么办?。Which gynecologist can tell me alvine often ache, menstruation also not the rule, how to do?

做过大腿和小腹吸脂手术的女性,她们身上的脂肪细胞会同时遭到破坏。Women who suction fat from their thighs and lower abdomen ultimately destroy those fat cells.

建议你可以将上衣外露在裤子外,就可以轻易地修掩小腹了。Suggest that you can coat the outside of pants, the repair can easily cover the lower abdomen.

阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions.

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他一直支持着,终于看见红尘把剑刺进了果13的小腹。He always support, finally see world of mortals stab sword into the fruit be 13 lower abdomens.

娜塔莉卡西一直隐瞒着她怀孕的事情,终于在数周之后,她骄傲的秀出了自己隆起的小腹。After weeks of hiding her pregnancy, Natalie Cassidy is proudly showing off her burgeoning baby bump.

那么,这顿饭定然令我食量倍增,直吃得小腹如鼓方止。Well, this certainly will have meals I appetite doubled, direct your stomach if you eat dark side only.