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创新将在这里飞跃!Innovation will fly in MSTC!

这是飞跃道为士力架拍摄广告时的制作花絮。This is the making of the Snicker TVC.

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巨蟒血液促进科学的“巨大飞跃”Python Blood Leads to "Big Leap" in Science

和过去相比,他的跳投有了质的飞跃。His jumper is way better than it used to be.

查尔斯·林德伯格独自飞跃大西洋Charles Lindbergh Flies Solo Across the Atlantic

但是,飞跃赛车运动绝对会损坏他们的鞋子。But 'cross racers absolutely destroy their shoes.

孩子在玩的飞跃青蛙在哈勒姆街,长约。Children playing leap frog in a Harlem street, ca.

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现在就飞跃――突然地、游戏地、并虔诚地――Will leap now—suddenly, playfully, and devotionally

“我的参与是一次信仰的飞跃,”阿克斯罗德说。"my involvement was a leap of faith, "Axelrod said.

而那就是为什么你看到了那么多飞跃性的进步。And that's why you're seeing so many leaps in progress.

统计下来,他完成的大约300次飞跃中,大多数都是成功的。Statistically, most of his 300-odd jumps were successes.

桑菲正在一步步的强大,这是一个飞跃。Sang Fei is a great step by step, this is a leap forward.

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它飞跃在单位03上并且扼杀它,打破它是脖子。It leaps onto Unit 03 and strangles it, breaking it's neck.

我们走进灌木丛时,鸟儿在树间飞跃。As we stepped into the bush, birds flitted from tree to tree.

查理林德伯格是第一个独自飞跃大西洋的人。Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly the Atlantic alone.

正如宗教一样,民族国家神话需要一个信仰的飞跃。Like religion, the nation-state myth requires a leap of faith.

飞跃运动鞋正在领导着中国制造品牌的复兴。Feiyue sneakers are leading the revival of Chinese-made brands.

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它是从电动产品到电子产品的一个飞跃。It was a leap forward, beyond electricity and into electronics.

瑞典的工业近年来飞跃增长。Swedish industry has of late years grown with leaps and bounds.

一个大飞跃,先生们,这镇上有史以来最大规模的飞跃。One big jump. gentlemen, the biggest jump this town's ever seen.