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她在了解世界各地的风土人情。She’s learning the world person by person and place by place.

多聊聊食物之外,还可以畅谈中国文化和风土人情。Ask questions about the food as well as the culture and customs.

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你想和留学生一同领略乡间的风土人情吗?Do you want to experience the customs in countryside with overseas students?

她用幻灯片展示了越南的风土人情。She put together a PowerPoint presentation on the people and culture of Vietnam.

这边的风土人情与她村里的大不相同。The scenery and people on this side were very different from those in her village.

它是一个有着梦一般美景和独一无二的风土人情的著名风景区。It is widely known as a wonderland with dreamlike sceneries and unique folk customs.

本片真实纪绿中国老街的历史文化、风土人情,表现这一不可再生的历史文化遗产。We present wtih the marvelus cultures, folklores and legends of old streets in china.

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您觉得这次大岩石之旅我只看到了石头吗?还有天文,地理,动物,植物,风土人情…Here is very strange, nothing there, they still make it tourist place for people to visit.

它表现了四川和贵州深厚的历史文化积累和不同的风土人情。The old town assembles profound historical culture and folk customs of these two provinces.

进入展馆,不仅可以欣赏到菲律宾独特的风土人情,还能观摩精彩的文艺演出。Visits can enjoy unique local conditions, customs and art performances inside the pavilion.

置身于不同的文化环境中,你能更深刻地了解当地的风土人情。Immersing yourself in a different culture will give you insight into how things get done there.

有些电视节目可以帮助孩子了解新鲜事物,如其它国家的风土人情。Some TV programs help children to understand the news, the people and places in other countries.

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现在就让熟悉当地风土人情的路透记者带你用最短的时间玩转首尔。Reuters correspondents with local knowledge help visitors get the most out of a short stay in Seoul.

你十分乐于学习关于这世界更多的方面,尤其是关于异国的风土人情。You are very interested in learning more about the world, especially about foreign places and people.

但是现在,喜欢巴黎的人们将要来到这个城市来感受她的风土人情。But now, Paris aficionados don't have to take a trip to the city to appreciate its scenery and people.

南美洲的生活和风土人情实际上比传统小说所能表现的要生动得多。But life and the landscape in South America were always more vivid than conventional fiction could convey.

更多体验当地风土人情、游览周边自然风光尽在美国加州大学英语营!More experience of local culture and discovery of nature will be included in American UCR English program.

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骑着单车旅行与自驾车旅行比起来,不但可以看到许多在高速公路上无法见到的风土人情,而且在骑车速度上往往并不逊于自驾游。On a bike one sees a lot more than from a freeway, and often it's just as fast as car traffic in many towns.

我们主要是想到处看看各地的风土人情,而且特别喜欢踩单车。We just like go to see more things such as the cultures around the world and we like sports especially cycling.

而在世界杯比赛期间,人们都会利用网络搜索赛程赛况、八卦新闻,以及南非的风土人情等等。And during the World Cup, people will use Web search race scores and gossip, and South Africa's customs and so on.