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很明显,这并非一时失言。Clearly this was not a slip of the tongue.

失言就是一不小心说了实话。Accidentally alip of the tongue is that the truth.

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失言就是一不小心说了实话。Accidentally slip of the tongue that is the truth.

牛因角长而被执,人因失言而陷身。An ox is taken by the horns , and a man by the tongue.

美国新任副总统乔.拜登,容易失言。JOE BIDEN, America's new vice-president, is prone to gaffes.

美国新任副总统乔.拜登,容易失言。JOE BIDEN, America’s new vice-president, is prone to gaffes.

我酒后失言,把我打算再结婚的想法也说给我老婆听了。After drinking I told my wife I intended to get married again.

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但是,随着时间的推移,当失言的暴露,我们失去了信誉受损更多。But when indiscretions are exposed over time, we lose more in compromised creditability.

然后,研究者让学生们想象自己就是那个失言者。The students were asked to imagine themselves as being the person who made the faux pas.

雇佣一所公共关系事务所物有所值,然而即使这样做了,也有可能出现严重的失言。Hiring a PR firm can be well worth the expense, but even then a nasty faux pas can occur.

瑞德顶住了让他辞职的声讨,并把他的失言解释为“一时词穷”。Reid, who is resisting calls for his resignation, described the gaffe as a "poor choice of words."

相反,我们可以推测邓布利多知道海格可能失言,并利用了这一点而对他有利。Instead, we can surmise that Dumbledore knew that Hagrid might slip, and used this to his advantage.

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一些患产后抑郁症的母亲表示一些妇幼保健机构的家访者承诺要送给她们一些关于消除沮丧情绪的小册子,但是却失言了。Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.

当我开始议论男人过早秃顶时,我失言了——我不知道罗恩戴著假发!I dropped a real clanger when I started talking about premature baldness in men—I didn't know Ron wore a wig!

历史表明,如果候选人表现不佳,特别是失言之举,会使他们在大选中严重受损。History indicates that a bad performance, particularly a telling gaffe2, can badly damage a candidate in the polls.

“是的,我失言了”,在通过斯通公关顾问发布的“莎朗斯通原话”的声明中如是说。"Yes, I misspoke, " said the statement released by Stone's publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone. "

爱一个人,就多给他一点包容,包容他的脾气、他的任性、他的失言、他的脆弱。If you love someone, you should give him more tolerance for his temper, his self-will, his improper words, and his frailty.

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在人类社会,一些公司给员工开空头支票,最后失言,让人们生活在贫穷欺诈中。In human society, some companies give employees lip-service, finally not implemented, let employees live in poverty and in fraud.

欧文的俱乐部老板阿勒戴斯虽然以前失言谈起过欧文的那个不得前四就走人的条款来试着不让他以很低的价钱转会。Owen's club boss Sam Allardyce reckons the Premier League big four dropped a massive clanger by not trying to land him on the cheap.

不过,加勒特因为在竞选中多次失言,结果把新增设的气候变化事务部长职位输给了马来西亚出生的华裔黄英贤女士。But Garrett lost the new portfolio of climate change minister to Malaysian-born Penny Wong after a series of gaffes during the campaign.