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颗粒产生沉淀。The particles are sedimented.

其次看涂料颗粒细度。See coating grain next fineness.

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如何选购木屑颗粒机?。How to choose wood pellet machine?

滤去蛋奶沙司中的颗粒。Strain the custard to remove lumps.

天竺葵柱头上的花粉颗粒。Grains of pollen on a geranium stigma.

颗粒极细,有滑腻感。Very small particles with greasy feel.

颗粒在床层中到处游动。Particles wander everywhere in the bed.

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益胃颗粒哪里有卖?Where has the benefit stomach pellet sell?

而那海涛靠近颗粒的地面。And the sea fast against the grain of land.

抛丸颗粒的大小,比率及来源是否受控?Is Shot Size , Ratio and Source controlled?

病毒颗粒呈等轴多面体,直径为33毫微米。Diameter of the isometric particle is 33 nm.

膨化颗粒饲料的摄食率最低。The feeding rate of expanded feed is lowest.

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他称之为带点的颗粒。He called it the corpuscle of electric charge.

这就是为什么我建议食用颗粒卵磷脂。That is why I suggest the granule form to you.

岩石颗粒的润湿性向亲水转化。The wettability of rock trended to hydrophile.

蚯蚓取食时丢弃了较细的颗粒。Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.

科罗拉多可吸入颗粒污染排名第十二。Colorado also ranks 12th in particle pollution.

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再生颗粒产品溢满辽宁。Particles of renewable products Yiman Liaoning.

湿面粉的颗粒粘在一起形成一个面团。Particles of wet flour cohered to form a paste.

颗粒首先要进入干燥机。The granules first get into the drying machine.