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红细胞有没有细胞核?Does red blood cell have nucleolus?

马血涂片,红细胞缗钱状形成Equine blood smear, rouleau formation

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猫血涂片,红细胞缗钱状形成Feline blood smear, rouleau formation

红细胞发生渗出性病理反应。Red-cell has immunopathologic reaction.

维生素B可以促进红细胞再生。Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.

衰老红细胞的脆性较大。The brittleness of anile red blood cell is bigger.

所制备的免疫血清与人红细胞内醛缩酶无交叉反应。No cross-reaction with human red cells was detected.

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红细胞压积呈现出一种保持下降的趋势。The hematocrit showed a decrease, which was maintained.

纤维海泡石对红细胞有毒性。Fibrous sepiolite has cytotoxicity to human erythrocyte.

M6所对应的区域可能就是P195蛋白的红细胞结合区域。M6 may be the binding region of P195 to human erythrocyte.

肉眼估计对红细胞血液计数板并不适合。Visual estimates are not appropriate for RBC hemocytometry.

注意有铊标记红细胞聚集的大脑血管。Note the cerebral vessels filling with Tc-labeled red cells.

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这是极少见的遗传性球形红细胞增多症。There is a rare condition known as hereditary spherocytosis.

而红细胞沉降率显著降低。Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was slow in perinatal newborn.

蔡勇,郑少玲,杨光荣,等.合并纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血的。Mamiya S, hoh T, Miura AB. Acquired pure red cell aplasia in.

给她进行了铊标记红细胞的SPECT扫描。SPECT images were made with Technetium labeled red blood cells.

他的骨髓正在成熟,现在可以产生红细胞了。His bone marrow is maturing and can now produce red blood cells.

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目的比较红细胞对细菌的天然免疫粘附能力。Objective To compare red cell native immune adhesive on bacteria.

本例子中就包括镰状红细胞贫血症的基因This particular example involves the gene for sickle cell anemia.

在红细胞中,血红蛋白负责运输氧气。Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying component of the red blood cells.