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整齐划一反而会带来巨大的灾难和风险。It can lead to tremendous disaster and risk.

现在,没有了整齐划一的行进,队伍开始变得松散了。Now, instead of marching as one, we were ready to get loose.

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现实世界并非整齐划一地被组织成表、行和列。The real world is not neatly organized into tables, rows, and columns.

他们一遍一遍地重复著整齐划一的挥杆方式。They have the same groomed swing that they repeat time and time again.

另外两个女孩同时朝着绳索做侧手翻,动作整齐划一,完美无瑕。With perfect synchronization, two other girls cartwheeled toward the ropes.

290名运动员表演的广播体操整齐划一。Two hundred and ninety athletes did a broadcast gymnastics show which was neat and uniform.

但是,整个联合国系统需要整齐划一地采取这些预防措施。There is a need, however, to take uniform precautions in this respect throughout the whole system.

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武明中的像工业产品般的人,装在箱子里——整齐划一,但脆弱得如玻璃。Men under Wu Mingzhong's brush resemble industrial products, packed neatly in boxes yet as fragile as glass.

越来越多的人们跨过整齐划一的灵魂界限,奔向思想远方。More and more people have stepped over orderly spiritual limit, running toward the far distance of thoughts.

除了滑垒的几个瞬间,你能一眼看见他们整齐划一的外表,而不象足球运动员们,总是在泥泞中展开厮杀。Except for brief moments of sliding, you can see them all in one eyeful , unlike the muddy hecatombs of football.

原先的假设是部分行人在桥面上整齐划一的行走导致了桥的摇晃。It had initially been assumed that the movement was caused by a portion of the pedestrians marching in lock-step.

团体操所表现的是一种整体美,整齐划一,均衡对称、对比调和、节奏旋律和形式多样化统一为其审美构成法则。The tidy beauty is the key that the group calisthenics shows and also the rules and bases on which it is created.

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选择千兆以太网技术,逐步分析、规划、成为层次分明、整齐划一、具体周到的校园网建设方案。Select Gigabit Ethernet technology, and gradually analysis, planning, a structured, uniform, specific and thoughtful school network.

本实用新型使瓶盖和拉环一次成型,成为整齐划一的易拉瓶盖。The utility model can complete one-time forming of the bottle cap and the pull-tab, which can form a uniform easy-to-draw bottle cap.

那么多宗教,整齐划一地将耐心视为高风亮节,比如基督教,抗拒七宗罪的诱惑,需要七大美德的守护,而耐心就在其列。In Christianity, for example, it is accepted as one of the seven virtues that protect against the temptation of the seven deadly sins.

直到1800年,颜色才被用到学位服上预示着某一类学科,但是他们在美国是整齐划一的。Not until the late 1800s were colors assigned to signify certain areas of study, but they were only standardized in the United States.

在佛兰德怡人景色映衬下的素洁的战争墓园里,整齐划一地刻着中文名字的中国劳工的墓碑,仍然清晰可见。Their gravestones, neatly incised with Chinese names, can still be seen in the immaculate war cemeteries that dot the Flemish landscape.

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在适当的条件之下,玻色子会成为整齐划一的复制兵团,例如雷射束中的光子或氦四超流体中的氦原子。Under the right conditions, bosons form regimented armies of clones, such as the photons in a laser beam or the atoms in superfluid helium 4.

起初在绍兴及德清等地建设的粮食型园区虽然农田建设的内容比较单一,但整齐划一的田园风光仍吸引了不少参观者。The crop gardens in Shaoxing and Deqing City attracted many visitors for their uniform rurality although there were only a few types of crops.

沿途耸立着形似蒙古包的铁皮谷仓,它们之间的间距如同袖口的纽扣般排列得整齐划一。Along the road, with intervals between them as neat and even as buttons on the cuff, sit steel storage bins, in form like the tents of Mongolia.