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颜色浅的细胞分布于网眼处。The pale cells distribute in the mesh.

长期穿着舒适透气网眼衬里。Breathable mesh lining for long-wear comfort.

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一件锁子甲制的高卢外衣,有很好网眼。Gaulish coat of chainmail, of a very fine mesh.

那条卡在网眼上的鱼已经死了。The fish tangled in the mesh of the net has died.

拒发。漏洞比我爷爷的网眼背心上的网眼还多!Reject – More holes than my grandad's string vest!

专业主要从事塑料网眼袋的生产与经营。It is mostly engaged in producing plastic mesh bag.

网眼衬里一个更加舒适的气垫鞋底。Mesh lining with a cushioned footbed for added comfort.

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她递给他一只很时髦的,白色的,带有宽网眼的长袜。She handed him a long, white, fashionable, wide-net stocking.

这张大号床装饰有一个手工编织的网眼顶罩。The queen-size bed is decorated with a handsome fishnet canopy.

组合网眼和微型网眼鞋面提供最佳的排水。Combination net mesh and micro-mesh upper offer optimal drainage.

同时,也制作网眼帽,针织帽,礼帽、无顶帽等等。Also making mesh caps, knitted caps, bucket hats, visors and so on.

我坐在一个新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上,等待着。I sat down on the of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited.

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第一个游过来的是“网眼”——池里的雌性海豚首领。The first to swim over was Grid Eye, the dominant female in the pool.

气垫皮革和网眼鞋垫,以保持他的脚舒适,即使是在散步。Cushioned leather and mesh footbed to keep his feet comfy, even on walks.

网眼薄纱及其他网眼织物,但不包括机织物,针织物或钩编织物收藏。Tulles & other net fabrics, not incl woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics.

极致舒适的合成覆盖极其透气网眼鞋面。Extremely breathable air-mesh upper with synthetic overlays for ultimate comfort.

钢网眼板象水流的移动一样在结构上起伏排布。The steel mesh undulates and moves through the structure like the passage of water.

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单件开放的网眼鞋面用合成革脚尖和脚跟增加保护帽。One-piece open mesh upper with synthetic leather toe and heel cap for added protection.

OH2流网眼鞋面用品的透气性和为你的双脚提供一个凉爽的环境。OH2 flow mesh upper supplies breathability and supplies a cool environment for your feet.

这层的网眼要稍微小一点,所以我们不需要让网眼彼此重合。This ones got slightly smaller holes so we don't get the holes coinciding over each other.