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每天节约一丁点儿一年就是一大笔。Pin a Day is a Groat a Year.

每天节约一丁点儿一年就是一大笔。A Pin a Day is a Grout a Year.

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这句话让我有一丁点儿不舒服。This made me a tiny bit uneasy.

他们拥有一丁点儿熟练的战斗技能吗?Do they have any combat proficiency?

她碰到一丁点儿伤脑筋的事就心烦意乱。She ruffles at the slightest annoyance.

她终于找到一颗很远很远一丁点儿大的小不点儿。At last she spotted a weeny weeshy one miles away.

如果湖边有了一丁点儿响动,它们会马上潜入水中。If the lake with a sound, they will dive into the water.

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我不要说这一切只是谈论一丁点儿在我的生命中。I don’t say all this just to talk about a blip in my life.

用尽最后一丁点儿的果汁,冰镇在冰格里。Use up that last bit of juice by freezing it in ice-cube trays.

你几乎不能捕捉到一丁点儿作者的自我意识。You almost never catch a whiff of authorial self-consciousness.

但是如果你哪怕有一丁点儿的迟疑,一定要花时间好好想想。But if you have even the slightest doubt, take the time to mull it over.

试问,不花钱你可能买到一个微笑,一句问候,一丁点儿恻隐之心?Can you buy a smile, a greeting or a particle of sympathy without money?

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不过他们把衣服送来后,我没感觉有一丁点儿不称身。But they sent them to me and Inever had to have an eighth of an inch changed.

在头发干燥后,我们会在手中放一丁点儿定型水。After that hair dries off, we wanna put a little bit of separator in our hands.

它极淡极淡,但若细细啜饮,却也能尝出一丁点儿的甜味来。It tastes insipid yet a slow sipping will doubtless yield a wee bit of sweetness.

这是世上最聪明的人设计的安全系统,你差一丁点儿就破解了。The best minds in the world designed this security system, And you almost beat it.

我的医生,以及一丁点儿的常识将使我远离攀爬岩石或高墙。Marye, my doctors, and a minute bit of common sense will keep me off the rock climbing walls.

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减肥手术之所以有效,是因为你吃了一丁点儿东西,就感觉饱饱的,不想再吃了。Weight-loss surgery works because you feel full after only a few grams of food and stop eating.

我发现一丁点儿的玉米糖浆是创造出光滑黑巧克力顶层的秘诀。I discovered that a touch of corn syrup was the secret to creating a glossy, dark chocolate top.

该摩托车是在80日前往全国20个国家的30,000公里的排放量没有一丁点儿。The motorbike is to travel 30,000km across 20 countries in 80 days without a wee bit of emission.