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我可以肯定的一点是民乐将会改变,但我希望它不会消失。I’m sure it will change. I hope it won’t disappear.

哈利。夏平是一位流行的民乐歌手和词曲作家。Harry Chapin was a popular folk singer and songwriter.

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猪头,娟,老曹还有那个民乐的也加入。Pig head, Juan, Lao Cao also joined the folk music that.

但2009年关于民乐界并非一片愁云惨淡。But not all the news was bleak in the folk world in 2009.

有的即使看了一下,却说,民乐?Even if some of them read the paper, they would say, Folk music?

经典传奇文化从组建第一支现代民乐爵士乐队至今共有四支现代民乐队。Our company has had a total of four moder folk&jazz band so far.

这些民乐艺人小心翼翼,谨微慎行地不要苛责中国政府的政策。These performers are careful not to blame Chinese government policies.

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我有很全面的音乐收集从贝多芬到中国民乐。I have a comprehensive range of music from Beethoven to Chinese folk songs.

哪位能提供一些英语中常用乐器的名称?民乐的。Which can provide some names of musical instruments commonly used in English?

它也被成为“民乐之王”或者“拨弦乐器之王”。It is called the "king of folk music" or the "king of plucked string instrument".

花垣民乐锰矿床是特大型的碳酸锰矿床。The manganese deposits of Min Le of Huayuan are the large manganeses carbonate deposits.

“我的母亲不识字,但是对于156首民乐,她如数家珍”,阿拉腾乌拉说。"My mother is illiterate, but she knows every word to 156 folk songs, " Aalatengwula says.

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中央音乐学院民乐系主任李光华教授为音乐会致辞!Professor Li Guanghua, Director of the department of folk music CCOM has delivered a speech.

在书中,韦斯曼说,民俗学研究者们会依照惯例来获得民乐版权,正是这让这些民乐汇集到了一起。In it, he says it was the usual practice for folklorists to copyright songs that they collected.

民乐浸染状铜矿产于中三叠统灰流型富钠质熔结凝灰岩中。The Minle disseminated Cu deposit is occurred in the Middle Triassic Narich ash flow ignimbrite.

这其中包括洛马克斯家族获得过一首古老民乐改编曲的版权。That could include people like the Lomaxes who copyrighted a new arrangement of an old folk song.

下周二,还将有奉贤南桥东基地、浦东新区民乐基地开工。Next Tuesday, there will be base in Fengxian East South Bridge, Pudong New Area folk base to start.

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如果你喜欢京剧、民乐、杂技或是魔术,你可以在这茶馆里欣赏到这些节目。If you like Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse.

她的充满活力风格和精湛技术使得她在国际民乐大放异彩。Her energetic style and virtuoso talent has brought her star billing on the international folk circuit.

接下来,请大家欣赏中国传统民乐表演,领略中华文明的和谐之声。Now, let us enjoy the traditional Chinese folk music, the sound of harmony of the Chinese civilization.