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物业管理法是社会法。Therefore, it is the social law.

结果圣艾夫斯物业管理。Results St Ives property management.

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明显的解决方案是开征物业税。The obvious solution is a property tax.

问到可有跟梁朝伟的联名物业?Ask to be with Tony Leung's joint property?

我住在大明物业小区政府栋204房。I live in Flat 204, Block 5, Daming Estate.

你有否为你的物业购买保险?。Do you purchase insurance for your property?

征收物业税的城市房租租费上涨。Property tax rule pushing up cost of renting.

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哦,不!我们住在畔榆物业小区7栋201房。Oh, no! We live in Flat 201 block 7, Panyu Estate.

物业代理在给客户展示商铺平面图参考。Agent is showing the shop's floor plan to the clients.

漳州市物业管理信息网。Zhangzhou City Property Management Information Networ.

物业表列出了在不同规模11x17。Property laid out on an 11x17 sheet at different scales.

然而,物业税的拥护者着眼于更宽的利益。Some advocates of the tax, however, eye broader benefits.

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森,陈先生最近买了太古城一个住宅物业。Sam, Mr. Chen has recently bought a flat in Tai Koo Shing.

物业代理在给客户展示商铺平面图参考。Agent is display the shop's floor blueprint apt the clients.

由美联物业服务提供的主要因素。Service which provides by Midland Realty is the main factor.

就工程进行时,你知否法团或物业管理公司如何运用资金?。Do you know the OC or management company how to use the fund?

而我们物业的报修处一直不回电话。My apartment house's service department did not return calls.

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买方必须确保一个总部对物业首页检查。The buyer must secure an HQS Home Inspection on the property.

资本收益和月付物业税都在考虑因素之列。Capital gains and monthly property taxes are being considered.

此后的出租物业交还和重新处理。Hereafter the rental properties are redelivered and reprocessed.