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介绍了红磷公司HRS循环酸泵的结构和运行情况。The structure and operation of Honglin's HRS acid cycling pump are described.

毒药是酒精,钙,钛,红磷,氙气,二氧化硅组成的混合物。The poison is Alcoho , Calcium , Titanium , Red Phosphorus , Xenon , Silica , a mixture.

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展望了微胶囊化超细红磷的发展趋势,并对其研究和应用提出建议。And its development trend is forecast and the suggestions in the field of research and application are also put forward.

它与通常以“普通赤磷”为基料制作的红磷母粒相比,其性能具有全方位的优势。To compare it with the red phosphorus masterbatch which is based on a "common red phosphorus" material, it shows all-round advantage.

新型毛毡阻燃剂以红磷为基础,配以膨胀石墨、螯合剂、促进剂合成。A new type of flame retardant for felt was synthesized using red phosphorus, expanded graphite, chelating agent and accelerating agent.

它保留了“微胶囊包覆红磷”的优良性能的同时,克服了易起火的危险性,使用安全方便。Actually, it has not only kept the superior grade down but also overcomes the inflammable shortcomings, using very safe and convenience.

对微胶囊红磷阻燃剂的白度化进行了研究,探讨了囊材、囊材含量、粒径分布等因素对白度化的影响。Effects of different coating materials of microencapsule, amount of coating materials, distribution of particle size on whitening were discussed.

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测试了红磷烟幕的粒度分布及平均直径,给出了典型样品的累积曲线。The granularity distribution and average diameter of particles of red phosphorus smoke were tested and the integral curve of typical sample were given.

结果表明,溶胶-凝胶法红磷微胶囊整理的棉织物具有良好的阻燃效果和耐久性,但白度和断裂强力有一定程度的下降。Results showed that the treated cotton fabric had good flame retardancy and durability, but its whiteness and tensile strength decreased to some extent.

研究了微胶囊红磷不同包覆、用量、粒度及与其它阻燃剂的协效作用等因素对软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的阻燃性能、力学性能及抑烟性能的影响。The effects of content and size of encapsulated red phosphorus on the flame retardancy, smoke suppressing and mechanical properties of soft polyurethane foam were studied.

结果表明,将红磷与氢氧化铝并用,有突出的协同效应,对聚乙烯有良好的阻燃作用。The experimental results showed that red phosphorus , combined with aluminium hydroxide, had outstanding synergistic effect and was a good flame retardant for polyethylene.

红磷的反应性和溶解力不如白磷强,用来生产其它磷的化合物和半导体、化肥和安全火柴。Much less reactive and soluble than white phosphorus, it is used in manufacturing other phosphorus compounds and in semiconductors, fertilizers, safety matches, and fireworks.

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研究了微胶囊红磷不同包覆、用量、粒度及与其它阻燃剂的协效作用等因素对软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的阻燃性能、力学性能及抑烟性能的影响。The effect of microencapsulated red phosphorus on the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and smoke suppression of the electronic and electrical packaging materials of epoxy resin was studied.