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这地带杳无人烟。The land is destitute of inhabitants.

生还者受困在一个杳无人烟的荒岛上。The survivors were stranded on a desolate island.

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在这一地方的十英里的周围内杳无人烟。In this place ten miles around there is no signs of human habitation.

我度过快乐童年的小村庄,如今已杳无人烟。The little village, where I spent my happy childhood, is now deserted.

的小山村之外,这个地区杳无人烟。The region is uninhabited except for a few scattered mountain villages.

废墟上的最高点,杳无人烟的地方。自由、悲伤、孤独,寻找属于你的感受。The peak of the ruins. The middle of nowhere. Freedom, sadness, solitude, finding your own feelings.

新界东北岸等地现在仍是一派杳无人烟的天然美景。Parts of the landscape, such as the Northeast New Territories, are still wild, beautiful, and basically uninhabited.

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1607年,英国殖民者在波瓦坦帝国境内一个杳无人烟的半岛建立了定居点詹姆斯敦。English colonists established a settlement, known as Jamestown, on an uninhabited peninsula within his territory in 1607.

葛拉辛先生那时住在悉尼,他通过一位房产经纪人找到了这个杳无人烟的国家公园小岛。Mr. Glasheen was living in Sydney at the time and found the island, an uninhabited national park, through a real estate agent.

从瑜伽修行者到浪漫主义作家,许许多多的人都寻求游走于社会边缘的生活状态,并探索着那些杳无人烟的荒野。From the Yogis to the Romantics, many have sought to live on the edge of society and explore those places that are uninhabited.

新界东北岸等地现在仍是一派杳无人烟的天然美景。km land area. Parts of the landscape, such as the Northeast New Territories, are still wild, beautiful, and basically uninhabited.

你愿意过一个月的世外桃源生活吗?那里风景如画,有充足的食物,而且很安全,只是杳无人烟。Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not see another person?

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然而一些隐藏在博物馆深处,杳无人烟霉味重重的地下室,那些深锁柜内令人不解的头骨,却挑战这样容易的解释。Yet some skulls defy such easy explanations. Those are the embarrassing skulls hidden away in locked cabinets deep inside the deserted basements of musty museums.

作者指出,至一九九五年,全世界只有百分之十七的土地杳无人烟—无人居住、没有农作物、道路以及能被卫星侦测的夜间照明。As of 1995, only 17 percent of the world's land area remained truly wild ? with no human populations, crops, road access or night-time light detectable by satellite, the authors reported.