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固定面板罩。Fixed three-panel hood.

打开控制面板。Open the Control Panel.

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备用控制面板。The reserve control panel.

面板然后将更新。The panel will then update.

虚拟控制面板?。VCP? Virtual Control Panel?

在工具面板中点击魔术棒工具。Click on the Magic Wand Tool.

训练模块控制面板。A training modular control panel.

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改进视音频的检视面板.Improved inspector for movie audio.

安装控制面板贴面。Install the control panel faceplate.

在下一个面板中,保留缺省值。On the next panel, keep the defaults.

通过控制面板访问设置Access settings via the control panel.

在此面板中接受缺省名称。Accept the default names on this panel.

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就是说放侧板在面板上面,然后是背板。That's sides on the top, then the back.

在层面板下取消蒙版和地图的链接。In layer window unlink the mask and map.

罗纳德·里根曾面板取下。Ronald Reagan had the panels taken down.

女帽面板本身是粗糙的做。The bonnet panel itself is crudely made.

这将向您呈现欢迎面板。This will present you the welcome panel.

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拆下冷冻机前面板。Dismantle the front panel of the chiller.

我要启动其他的控制面板!I must activate the other control pannel!

在车顶部漆面板金,使用由前到后方向的。On top panels, use front-to-back motions.