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凯撒铁骑,剑指高卢Caesar beat the Gauls.

将会存在采矿铁骑吗?Will there be mining fighters?

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他们遏制了那些伊斯兰铁骑兵。They restrain the armies of horsemen.

在雄关旁,我们的铁骑在秋风中驰骋。Our steeds galloped at the Great Pass as autumn winds blow.

你还记得我们穿过边疆铁骑军,那个可怕的晚上吗?Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the Rio Grande?

他著名的铁骑军和新模范军击败了国王。His famous "Ironside" cavalry and New Model Army defeated the king.

铁骑军丝毫没有成功,由于他们并没有突破中部防线。The cuirassiers had not succeeded, since the centre was not broken through.

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公元前480年,波斯王薛西斯率数十万铁骑攻向希腊。In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece.

收入的匮乏逼迫着你必须尽快决定让你的铁骑践踏哪一方土地。With income low, you must decide quickly on where to expand with your horsemen.

而德国队的首场比赛则倒在了澳大利亚队的铁骑之下。But German team's first competition poured under the Australian team's cavalries.

那些攻人的铁骑军忽然觉得自己被攻了。All at once, the cuirassiers, who had been the assailants, found themselves assailed.

那些攻人的铁骑军突然觉得自己被攻了。All at once, the cuirassiers, who had been the assailants , found themselves assailed.

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六十尊大炮和十三个方阵同时向着铁骑军劈面射来。Sixty cannons and the thirteen squares darted lightning point-blank on the cuirassiers.

当蒙古铁骑横扫欧亚的时候,1259年蒙古王子蒙哥可汗却兵败钓鱼城。Outside the city, Fishing Town marks where the Mongol prince Mongke Khan was defeated in 1259.

当斯巴达克的铁骑穿越亚平宁半岛,为自由而战的时候,骑士精神开始诞生。When the cavalry across the Apennines Peninsula feature, fighting for freedom, the spirit of Knight inception.

尽管其战术略显陈旧,但手持雪亮骑枪和沉重狼牙棒的瑟普铁骑,仍然是战场上令人生畏的杀戮机器。Although slightly old fashioned, with their lances and maces they are still formidable fighters on the battlefield.

而那雍州白家还在猛攻虎咆关,派去支援的八千铁骑已折损过半。But that Yong state white house still is storming a tiger Pao pass, send 8,000 cavalries supporting have already damaged half.

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而那雍州白家还在猛攻虎咆关,派去支援的八千铁骑已折损过半。But namely Yong state white house still is storming a tiger Pao pass, mail 8,000 cavalries supporting have already marred half.

战壕中每一次失败的冲锋,描绘、隐喻、祷告每每践踏于铁骑之下,永恒将因此而落败一个回合。At every form that miscarries in the trenches, at every outline, metaphor, or prayer crushed under steel, the eternal loses a round.

战壕中每一次失败的冲锋,描绘、隐喻、祷告每每践踏于铁骑之下,永恒将因此而落败一个回合。At every form that miscarries in the trenches, at every outline, metaphor, or prayer crushed under steel , the eternal loses a round.