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枭翼树丛挖掘场。Owl Wing Thicket Digsite.

树丛使他下落的坠势稍缓。The trees broke his fall.

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这里有一簇簇的矮树丛。There were clumps of bushes.

她注意到树丛旁边有一些奇怪的东西,那是一圈蘑菇!It was a circle of mushrooms!

猴子在树丛中穿荡。A monkey swings through trees.

一只兔子跑进了矮树丛。A rabbit ran into the underbrush.

矮树丛太多了。”内森回答。Just more bush, "Nathan replied."

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车停下后,她跑进了附近的矮树丛里。She runs into some nearby bushes.

当她在树丛间鼓翼。As she flutters between the trees.

我躲藏在矮树丛和灌木丛中。I hide myself in bushes and shrubs.

风在树丛中萧萧作响。The wind was crooning in the trees.

猎人拍打树丛以惊起猎物。The hunters beat the brush for game.

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直到它在树丛下边转弯。To where it bent in the undergrowth.

我看得见柳树丛的嫩枝了。I could see twigs on the willow bush.

潺潺的树丛对你造成1点伤害。Murmuring Bosk deals 1 damage to you.

我去荒野的石南树丛。Then I went to the heath and the wild.

树丛之中有一所小房子。There is a small house among the bosk.

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帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。Applause is sweeping through the trees.

破旧沼地道路的树丛间Between the trees on the old swamp road

把我当作妳的琴,当作那树丛。Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is.