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人人都有财务上的恐惧感。Everybody has financial fears.

重新校准你的财务价值观Recalibrating financial values

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我在财务上的平均自责分My financial earned-run average

你的事业和财务怎样?How was your career and finance?

任何私人财务都免税。Any personal effects are duty-free.

这个公司的财务管理得很得法。The company was skillfully financed.

使用的是JDE财务系统救命啊…What to use is a JDE finance system.

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该公司的财务是一蹋糊涂呀。The company's finances are in a mess.

他对财务一窍不通。He does not understand finance at all.

许多网络公司陷入财务困境。Many dot-coms are financially strapped.

范围元素的财务和时间线Scope elements financials and timelines

财务杠杆可能是另一原因。Financial gearing may be another reason.

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向财务经理汇报工作。Reports directly to the Finance Manager.

他深受财务损失的打击。He was hard hit by his financial loss es.

你们当中财务较弱的银行将会被合并。Those of you who are weak will be merged.

财务监督是一个古老的话题。Financial supervision is an ancient topic.

米特尔曼是一种财务媒人。Mitelman's a kind of financial matchmaker.

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好的。我可以把我所有的财务带进去吗?All right. Shall I enter all my belongings?

计算、分析、检查财务票据?。Calculation, Analysis, financial documents?

Schneck博士并未披露财务状况。Dr. Schneck reports no financial disclosure.