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他将侧枝掐掉。He pinched out the side shoots.

狒狒会折断侧枝和顶梢。Baboons could break branches and leaders.

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一枝侧枝长出许多小又酸的枣子。A sucker from the jujube yields tiny sour fruits.

这是分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝。It. s the lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.

我们的工作就是修剪这些树的侧枝。It is our job to prune the side branches of these trees.

则第二支量角器可测量两个侧枝之间的夹角。The second compass measured the angle between the two spots.

整个复总状花序由主枝和1~3级侧枝构成。The inflorescence consisted of main branch and 1-3 lateral branch.

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然后我移动并旋转第二支量角器到第二个侧枝。I then moved and rotated the second compass up to the next branch spot.

结论紫绀型先天性心脏病心肌侧枝血管形成可能为VEGF所介导。Conclusion The VEGF may be mediate the collateral vessels formation in C, CHD.

侧枝平均长度随BA浓度的增加而明显缩短。The average laterals is significantly decreased with BA concentration increasing.

观察了成熟菌索的结构和侧枝的形成过程。The structure of mature rhizomorph and the branching process of rhizomorph were observed.

依次类推,各级主枝干丢失其生长优势而其地位由侧枝代替形成的树冠形状。These in turn lose their dominance and lateral buds take over their role. Compare monopodial.

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结论FK506对神经端侧吻合侧枝生长具有促进作用。Conclusion FK506 can promote peripheral nerve collateral generation in end-to-side anastomosis.

当新梢生长达6——8英寸时,将主枝回缩到一个强壮的侧枝处。Shoots are all allowed to attain 6-8 inches when the leader is curled back to a strong lateral.

HA1基因进化树显示出以很长的主干和很短的侧枝为特征。The results showed that the evolution of HA1 represented a long trunk with short side branches.

食管静脉曲张套扎术可降低侧枝循环压力,减轻食管静脉曲张程度,改善高动力循环状态。It showed that EVL could cut down the pressure of collateral circulation, lessen the degree of EV.

病原菌主要通过伤口、冻伤口、自然孔口从侧枝与主秆的节叉处侵入。The pathogeny infected host through wound, natural orifice, wound of freezing injury on bamboo node.

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具有匍匐根茎,须根,叶片在植物基部成簇或在侧枝产生。They have creeping rootstocks, fibrous roots, and leaves in clusters at the base of the plant or borne on branched stems.

利用方差分析,建立株高与地径、侧枝数生长方程,为生长管理提供理论依据。Based on the analysis of variance, the regressive equations between the height and diameter, branch number were also built.

同时,其主茎和侧枝较长,覆盖度大,具有一定抗风沙能力。Then by longer main stem and branches, and large canopy, the vegetable had considerable capability to hinder wind-drift sands.