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他知道他的希望逐渐化为乌有了。He knew that his hope oozed away.

直到爱与虚名化为乌有沉寂无声。Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

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但我对半真半假纠纷是所有化为乌有。But my tangle of half-truths was all for naught.

所有这一切都把经济增长的潜力化为乌有。All this eats into the potential of the economy to grow.

他心神不宁地慢慢向门口倒退,恨不得一下子化为乌有。He dawdled nervously toward the door , wishing to melt away.

海浪冲击海岸后,海滩上的沙堡化为乌有。After the wave came, the sand castle on the beach lay in ruins.

这次的发射,“挑战者”号并没有上次的那么幸运,不仅航天飞机化为乌有,七名机组人员也全部遇难。This time the shuttle and its seven-person crew were destroyed.

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普京表示,“自我封闭的国家将化为乌有。”Putin said that "self-isolation of the country will come to naught."

他们结婚40年来积累的一切财产全部化为乌有。They lost everything they had accumulated over their 40-year marriage.

任何军事上过于激进的行动,将使中国数十年政治和解的努力化为乌有。This would void what would by then be decades of efforts at political easement.

除非发生逆转,盈余国家的过度供给也必将化为乌有。Unless this is reversed, excess supply of surplus countries must also collapse.

贝克汉姆踢飞了点球,球队的优势随即化为乌有。When Beckham missed the penalty kick, his team's advantage went down the drain.

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但是如果您对自己的话题没有深刻的、发自内心深处的自信,那么一切将化为乌有。But it is all for naught if you do nothave a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic.

但在七年分裂的、僵持的政府中,这些希望化为乌有。But those hopes have been dashed amid seven years of divided, deadlocked government.

尼克松同水门丑闻的牵连使他从政的希望化为乌有。His involvement in the Watergate evaporated any hope Nixon had for a political career.

这场地震让全世界的人类都团结起来,过去的恩恩怨怨都化为乌有!This earthquake lets the world unite, and wash away all the past gratitude and grudges !

蝎子王担心如果没有什么能够打破僵局的话,他们所争取到的一切可能就会化为乌有。Scorponok feared that all would be lost if something in the impasse did not change quickly.

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但是目标实现以后很久,房地产业的游说却使得所有控制两房的努力都化为乌有了。But long after that goal was met, the housing lobby barred almost all efforts to rein them in.

不良信誉导致该公司的低成本贷款几乎即刻化为乌有。Unfavorable perception caused the company’s low-cost borrowing to evaporate almost immediately.

“短短几天,我的卢布收入重新化为乌有,而美元债务像气泡一样膨胀起来”,他说。"In a few days, my income in rubles became nothing, while my dollar debts ballooned, " he says.