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这是党务工作者面临的主要课题。This is a major issue facing the Party workers.

他的当选是多年来忠实致力于党务工作的结果。His election is a payoff for years of loyal party work.

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二十年中,绝大部分时间他在从事党务工作。In 20 years, he is engaged in majority time party work works.

好的可以管党务工作,管后勤工作。Competent people can take charge of Party work or support services.

然而,波尔克在党务方面却不然,他并非是一位出色的政客,他没能让消除民主党内的分歧,没能使党内团结,更糟糕的是,他的所作所为,让党内进一步分裂。Polk, however, had not served his party well. He was not a good politician.

在他周二召集的一个特别党务会议上,麻生太郎对最近的选举失利表示了道歉。At a special party meeting he convened Tuesday, Mr. Aso apologized for recent election losses.

但是,现有的党务管理信息系统却存在着很多不足。But, existing party work management information system is existing however a lot of inadequacy.

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更新观念,与时俱进,是时代赋予党务工作者的要求。In demand of being a party affairs worker, we need to update our idea and keep up with the times.

主管党务、人事、财务、宣传、行政和后勤管理工作。Director of party affairs, personnel, finance, publicity, administration and logistics management.

当我第一次访问中国时,我遇到的许多高级官员都是负责传统党务工作的。When I first visited the country, many of the top officials I met were traditional party functionaries.

电子党务是新时期加强高校党建的全新载体。Electronic party affairs are a new method to strengthen the party construction in colleges in the new era.

根据地“干部”及“干部教育”的概念,一向以党务干部、政府干部和军队干部为主要对象。The conception of leaders and their education remains a major task in the Party, government, and the army.

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中央党部之下的财务委员会是负责党务经费的专责机关。The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay.

打造一个健康的政治文化,集体领导,群策群力,推动党务。To create a healthy political culture, with collective leadership and coordinated team work developing the party.

作为前苏联国家的最高领导人,戈尔巴乔夫着手改革经济重整党务。As the supreme leader of the Soviet state, Gorbachev set about to reform its economy and the stagnating Communist Party.

一些中国政治观察家相信,王家瑞领导的外联部正在转变为一个负责党务公开的机构。Some China political watchers believe Wang Jiarui's office is evolving into an institutional mechanism for Party openness.

应树立“基层党务必须透明”的理念,及时地将基层所有党务公开。Should foster a " grass-roots party must be transparent, " the idea of grass-roots level in a timely manner to all public affairs.

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负责党务管理、人事和科研教育培训工作。Responsible for party affairs, human resources, discipline inspection and supervision, complaint reception, research and education.

在新时期,如何做好党建工作,是所有企业基层党务工作者需要思考的问题。As Party workers are important elements on the Party staff, to achieve advancedness is a basic requirement the Party has for each of them.

印度执政党国会领袖索尼娅·甘地在党务会议发言中表示,对此次悲剧事件她感到“震惊和沉痛哀悼”。Sonia Gandhi, the leader of India's ruling Congress Party, expressed "shock and deep anguish over the tragic incident, " according to a party statement.