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这个旋钮只是用通明胶带牢固住的。This knob is only held on by sellotape.

大厅里灯火彻夜通明。The lights in the hall burned all night.

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隆冬时节的达卡灯火通明。It is winter and Dhaka is full of lights.

建筑的顶楼灯火通明。Lights burned on the building’s top floor.

站内灯火通明,工作人员各就其位。The lights were all on, staff in position.

客房里的房间通宵达旦灯火通明。These rooms would be lighted up every evening.

灯火通明,嘈杂的饭馆日日夜夜地挤满了人。Brightly-lit, noisy restaurants are packed day and night.

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灯光通明的电视塔整晚似灯塔般照耀着。The shining television tower beaconed through the evening.

广场上彻夜灯火通明。The square was brilliantly illuminated throughout the night.

当太阳下了山时,灯火便亮起来了。大城市的夜晚永远是灯火通明。When the sun goes down, the lights go on. The city is never dark.

菲利普港灯火通明,城里每盏灯都亮了。Port Philip shimmered brightly, with every light in town turned on.

跑到甲板上,大船灯火通明,月亮闪着银光。Out on the deck, the ship's lights were on, and the moon was shining.

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她说灯火通明,但我知道在她的声音虚假。She remarked brightly, but I was aware of the falseness in her voice.

镀金色饰链衔接在包边镶嵌通明水晶耳钉上。A gold-plated chain attaches them to two bezel-set clear crystal studs.

一道欢快的阳光正穿过那些通明透亮的新发的树叶。A cheerful sunlight penetrated the freshly unfolded and luminous leaves.

走到三楼时,一个大型的游乐城出现在眼前,里面灯火通明。Went to the third floor, a large entertainment city in the eyes, which lit.

平时灯火通明的北京鸟巢体育场也显得有些灰暗。The normally glittering Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing looked distinctly grey.

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到夜间,楼阁上彩灯通明,又恰似一只闪闪发光的金凤凰。To night, pavilions on the lantern brilliance, like a glittering gold Phoenix.

刹那间,这个幽静的地方变得灯火通明,几十道灯光向着这边照来。Suddenly, the quiet place to be lighted, dozens of light toward the side light.

灯火通明下,女工们正在将已经制作好的图案手工贴到一个个瓷碟上。Under bright lights they are fixing ready-made designs onto the plates by hand.