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什么是密宗性爱?What is Tantric sex?

性爱是一种美容美体。Sex is a beauty treatment.

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参加女同性爱派对?Attending a lesbian sex party?

性爱归根结底是件荒唐事。SEX is the ultimate absurdity.

性爱是一种天然感冒药。Sex is a natural antihistamine.

@性爱是天然的抗组胺药物。Sex is a natural anti-histamine.

性爱本身是一种亲密的行为。Sex by itself is an intimate act.

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还有性爱,性爱真他妈有趣极了。And the sex! The sex is fun as hell.

但是性爱主义倾向的主张却让她迷惑。But claims of eroticism puzzled her.

密宗性爱比你认为的容易!Tantric sex is easier than you think!

道具和玩具可以使性爱更加刺激。Props and toys make sex more exciting.

把你的棋签署游戏变成性爱游戏!Turn your board games into sexy games!

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性爱是大众的抒情诗。Sexuality is the lyricism of the masses.

我也在免费的性爱上出过问题。I also have problems with unpaid-for sex.

像他们一样,我没有选择自己性爱的倾向性。Like them, I didn't choose my preference.

他们指出,那是性爱的姿势。That, they suggest, is an erotic posture.

机器人可以成为你的性爱训练器。A robot can be a personal trainer for sex.

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有些女人生性爱妒忌。Some women have a disposition to jealousy.

不要低估匆匆性爱的影响力。Never underestimate the power of a quickie.

技巧7.使用性爱玩具和性爱增强技巧No.7 Play with toys and sexual enhancements