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他们说笔锋胜于武力。They say the pen is mightier than the sword.

结尾笔锋一转尤为引人注目。Thetwist at the end is especially noteworthy.

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其他艺术家运用石油或丙烯酸表现明亮的颜色及刚劲的笔锋。Others use oil or acrylic for their bright colors and bold strokes.

他的笔锋,将山水诗境推向“情景相谐、理意俱融”的和谐境界。The relationship between feeling and landscape of his poems was harmonious.

杂文笔锋犀利、言语泼辣,读来让人倍感爽快。Essay writing, speech and vigorous, sharp read to make people feel refreshing.

然后笔锋一转,提出爱国的新角度,即“以和为贵”的爱国智慧。Next I'll go to a new view of patriotic, namely, patriotic wisdom of "peace is precious".

戈迪默以犀利的笔锋对帝国殖民主义进行了讽刺,在作品中求得艺术的真实。Gordimer bitterly criticizes the imperial colonialism and seeks artistic truth in her novels.

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然而,爱尔兰目前发生的情况就需要有着残酷无情笔锋的讽刺家大加鞭笞才对。But only a satirist — and one with a very savage pen — could do justice to what's happening to Ireland now.

但是现在也只有一个讽刺作者--一个拥有犀利笔锋的讽刺作者--才能在爱尔兰的遭遇上还其公正。But only a satirist — and one with a very savage pen — could do justice to what’s happening to Ireland now.

那时期的英印政府怕俄国人,倒是真的,但是他们不会怕一个十四岁的诗人的笔锋。The British Government of those days feared the Russians it is true, but not the pen of a 14-year old poet.

传送门2是有史以来最有趣、最笔锋犀利的游戏,这一点无可厚非。To say Portal 2 is the funniest, most sharply written game of all time isn't even a controversial statement.

他的笔锋一转,由谈论他们的失败转为指出,信徒藉著圣灵便可过得胜的生活。He turns from their failures to the tremendous possibilities in their Christian lives through the Spirit of God.

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传送门2是有史以来最有趣、笔锋最犀利的游戏,这一点无可厚非。To say that Portal 2 is the funniest, most sharply written game of all time isn't even a controversial statement.

他早年的创作主要是写艺术批评,他笔锋犀利、见解独到、剖析深刻。His early works were mainly about the art criticism. His writing Style was sharp with unique and profound analysis.

当笔锋转向现实后,作者精心罗列了一系列史实,让新自由主义者感到难堪。When he isn't imagining the future, Mr Chang curates awkward historical facts calculated to discomfort neoliberals.

草书是中国传统书法当中的一种,它笔锋圆转,笔势相连,实际上就是一种名副其实的简体汉字。The running- and cursive-hand in Chinese calligraphy has always been the most radical form of simplifying characters.

经过昨天一夜的笔锋驰骋,我一蹴而就完成了这篇属于传世的无间之道。Yesterday night, after riding the tip of a writing brush , I completed the quick handed down this is the seamless way.

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她曾是个笔锋尖锐的博客写手,现在则将她的全才用在了网上房地产上。Ex-Snarky girl vlogger, she now applies her well-rounded abilities to keeping it real in the world of online real-estate.

作者还把笔锋一转,特别暗示坡在母亲虚弱的子宫内的日子导致了他在日后把幽闭恐怖症作为创作素材。In one particularly acrobatic leap, he hints that Poe's time in his mother's sickly womb led him to write about claustrophobia.

我认为,中国的书法是心与力的结合。心走到哪,笔锋就会到哪。I think the Chinese calligraphy is a combination of mind and strength. Where your mind goes, the vigor of the style will follow.