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你有在上课时传纸条吗?。You ever pass notes in class?

她把一张纸条塞进了我的手里。She slipped a note into my hand.

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他们会问你那纸条是何物。They ask you what that paper is.

每天在家里留一张爱的小纸条Leave little love notes everywhere.

有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条。A note was passed up to the speaker.

据之后发现的纸条上说,这是一个炸弹。According to the note, it was a bomb.

我在床头柜上留了一张纸条。I had left a note on the night table.

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我们的老师马克,给了我们一个纸条。And our teacher Mark, He give me a scrip.

有人给讲演者递上来一些纸条。Some notes were passed up to the speaker.

下课后她问李雷关于纸条的事情。After class she asked Li Lei about the note.

我要知道是谁在我桌上留了这张纸条。I want to know who left this note on my desk.

然后他们将一张写有赎金的纸条寄到了弗兰克斯家中。They then mailed a ransom note to the Franks.

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“阁下是西尔弗先生吗?”我问,手里攥着纸条。"Mr. Silver, sir?" I asked, holding out the note.

说着这些话,她递过来一张纸条。With these words, she handed him a piece of paper.

把这信封口盖用纸条或胶水之类的东西粘上。Stick the flap down with tape or glue or something.

洁回写纸条时,却闻到一股尿臊味。Jie can smell the emiction when she write the scrip.

她们在丈夫的午餐盒里贴一个充满爱意的纸条。They stick a love note in their husband's lunch box.

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什么纸条?我看不到。我开了一整晚夜车。What note? I can't see. I just pulled an all-nighter.

每个同学在两张小纸条上写下两样文具的英文及自己的名字。Write your name and two things you like on the paper.

他看了一眼纸条,然后转身小跑着回到了车上。After a glance, he turned on his heel and jogged back.