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还有那件红白套装呢?And the red-and-white suit?

长袍式、两件式套装。Robe style, 2-piece clothing.

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精纺毛料套装很暖和。Worsted suits are nice and warm.

这是非常好的三件式套装。This is a very nice 3-piece suit.

我想要黑手党套装。I want a 3-piece Mafia-style suit.

套装包括消防船及橡皮艇!Set includes Fire Ship and dinghy!

她穿着一身暗黄绿色的衣裤套装。She wore a lime-green trouser suit.

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那么我还是买一个组合套装好了。Then I prefer a re-packaged system.

这个邮轮航程套装是全包式的吗?Is this cruise package all-inclusive?

这意味着别在床上穿绒布睡衣套装。This means no flannel pajamas in bed.

还有餐具套装系列。Also has the tableware coverall series.

两册套装—光面铜版纸和胶版纸。Set of two guides, coated and uncoated.

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穿长裤套装参加这个派对恰当吗?。Is the pantsuit appropriate for theparty?

套装并不能是员工更好的思考。Suits do not help people to think better.

他穿着一身漂亮的黑色套装出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.

他的名牌套装在腰部起了褶皱。His designer suits ruck up round his middle.

“不错的套装,”当我走过去时,他跟我说。"Nice suit, " he said to me, as I walked up.

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这基本上是技师套装的超级颜色。It’s basically Hypercolor for the techie set.

你应该把你的套装拿去洗熨一下。You should have your suit cleaned and ironed.

我来试我的新套装,这是我的单据。I come to try my new suit. Here’s the receipt.