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祈求在那天重遇。Pray for that day reunited.

我们虔心祈求好天气。We're praying for a fine day.

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我祈求星空褪尽色彩。I plead for the stars to fade.

但我知道这祈求是徒劳的。But I am asking the impossible.

我曾祈求过上帝赐给我这些。I've asked God for those things.

他们祈求上帝指点迷津。They prayed to God for guidance.

我祈求上帝保你平安。I'll pray to God for your safety.

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故如我祈求,无限之萌制。So as I pray, Unlimited MOE Works.

祈求上帝保你平安。I will pray to God for your safety.

去祈求河伯又有什么用呢?What is the use of praying to Hebo?

故如我祈求,无限之后宫。So as I pray, Unlimited Harem Works.

故如我祈求,无限之水制。So as I pray, Unlimited water Works.

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一片叶子代表祈求。The one leaf represents imprecation.

在祈求与愿望中保持镇静From supplications and desires unshod

流徙者的祈求、情人的哀号Prayer of pariah, and the lover's cry

我这样的祈求祷告是奉主耶稣基督宝血的圣名!I ask this in the blood name of Jesus.

杰克祈求降祸于仇人。Jack imprecated evil upon his enemies.

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所以,绝不要祈求。要感激。Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate.

向贫困的人施舍,并祈求安拉承领你的施舍和祈祷。I pray you would not ever have to do so.

她举起她的双掌祈求怜悯。She lifted up her paws to beg for mercy.