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耳朵轰隆作响。My ears ring.

他使钟丁当作响。He dinged the bell.

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他挥鞭作响。He snapped his whip.

小铃丁当作响。The little bell tinkles.

那只苍蝇振翅营营作响。The fly buzzed its wings.

蜜蜂在树篱间嗡嗡作响。Bees buzzed in the hedges.

枪炮整夜隆隆作响。The guns banged all night.

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松动的窗玻璃卡嗒作响。A loose windowpane rattles.

一只蜜蜂围着花朵嗡嗡作响。A bee hummed around flowers.

他的肚子饿得咕咕作响。His stomach rumbled emptily.

风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。The wind jarred the windows.

树叶在微风中刷刷作响。Leaves rustled in the breeze.

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树叶在微风中窸窣作响。Leaves rustled in the breeze.

靴子踩在积雪上吱吱作响。Snow creaked under the boots.

旗子在风中啪啪作响。The flag slatted in the wind.

风把窗户刮得颤悠悠地格格作响。The wind rattled the windows.

风在林中飒飒作响。The wind whispered in forest.

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他啵啵作响地吹空气入水里。He bubbles air into the water.

生命的时钟在嘀哒作响。That clock is ticking for you.

金币在他手里作响。Gold coins clinked in his hand.