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她被谴责虚构故事,在大街上遭到唾骂。She was condemned fiction, was reviled in the streets.

约翰森表示,他宁愿让人们唾骂也不愿让人们因他的工作失误而死。Johnson said he would rather have egg on his face than deaths on his hands.

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罗伯特。穆加贝抑或遭人唾骂,抑或受人爱戴,几乎没有人会对他无动于衷。REVILED by some, hailed by others, Robert Mugabe leaves few people indifferent.

一切出卖祖国的人都必将堕入永远被人唾骂的罪恶深渊。Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame.

媒体们唾骂,这个糟老头子要毁了西班牙队,68岁的人确实老眼昏花了。The medias revile the old fellow inclines to destroy the team Spain. The 68-years-old man is a dotard.

奈刘季玉与备同宗,若攻之,恐天下人唾骂。Alas, Liu Zhang and I share the same ancestor. If I attacked him, I would be reviled and condemned by all.

由于部分地成了地球日的奴隶,进步,这个自由主义者曾经领会了的术语,已经开始被作为反动理念而遭受唾骂。Thanks in part to Earth Day’s minions, progress, as liberals had once understood the term, started to be reviled as reactionary.

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尽管有腐败,欺骗和背叛,被很多人唾骂的李薇也赢得了许多支持。Yet for all her corruption, deceit and treachery, Li has earned as many admirers among the Chinese public as she has detractors.

作为微软以DOS为基础的Windows产品线的苟延残喘,这个垂死的、非常不稳定的版本被用户和评论家们一致唾骂。As the last gasp of MS-DOS-based Windows, this long-in-the-tooth, highly unstable release was reviled by users and critics alike.

看看悲哀的人啊!用橄榄枝迎接耶稣荣进耶路撒冷,却用唾骂驱赶耶稣走向死亡。To see such doleful people! People welcome Jesus into Jerusalem with olive branch, however they drive Jesus into death with revile.

当我回到祖国,我在机场所看到的只有抗议唾骂的群众,把我说成杀人犯十恶不赦。And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap!

这种观点可能会遭到媒体、学者乃至北欧商界领袖的唾骂,但显然受到下层人士的欢迎。Such sentiments may be reviled by the media, academics, and even business leaders in Northern Europe, but they are clearly popular at the grassroots.

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葡萄酒时尚和其它时尚一样变幻不定,但澳大利亚葡萄酒从被尊敬到被唾骂的速度却相当不同寻常。Fashions in wine, just as in everything else, come and go but the speed with which Australia has moved from being revered to being reviled is quite remarkable.

在当前这场斗争中,如果这种致命而又软弱的思想在殖民地占据了统治地位,那么我们这些先人会被后代唾骂。Should a thought so fatal and unmanly possess the colonies in the present contest, the name of ancestors will be remembered by future generations with detestation.

在这场斗争中,如果这种致命而又软弱的思想在殖民地占据了统治地位,那么我们这些先人将会被后代唾骂。Should a thought so fatal and unmanly possess the colonies in the present contest, the name of ancestors will be remembered by future generations with detestation.

如果很多人死于饥荒,那么那些在食品价格上涨的交易赚了不少钱的商人,将被唾骂为世界最后的流氓。And if many people start dying fromfamine, then those commodity traders who make a lot of money on higher foodprices are going to be reviled as the latest scoundrels of the world.

但他们也很可怜,因为他们并不知道自己所认为的“正义”其实是以“正义”的名义在犯下遭后世唾骂的滔天恶行。But they also are poor because they do not know their own perceived "justice" is actually based on "justice" in the name of the commission of heinous deeds were later reprimanded.

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9个月后,墨索里尼本人本枪决,并被倒吊在米兰市的洛雷托广场,遭人唾骂,甚至有人开枪向尸体射击。Nine months on, Mussolini himself was shot. His body was hanged upside down from a hook on the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, where crowds gathered to spit at, kick and even shoot him again.

那些宣称热爱联邦的人,并不急着想保存奴隶制,同时那些反战的人,他们以行动昭告天下,战争会持续到这种被人唾骂的制度结束Those who profess to love the Union are not so anxious to preserve slavery, while those who are opposed to the war acknowledge in all their actions that its continuance will put an end to this accursed system.