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词缀使用其中的一个曲柄臂固定螺栓。Affix using one of the crank arm fixing bolts.

形容词的词缀量大且多样。The affixes of adjectives are large and diverse.

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派生词缀可以是前缀也可以是后缀。Derivational affixes can be prefixes or suffixes.

在古代汉语词尾研究中,“助词”、“词尾”、“词缀”概念混淆。There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese.

现代汉语类词缀是介于词根与词缀之间的一个语言单位。The affixed is a unit between root and affix in Modern Chinese.

在构词法中,语素被分为词根,词干,词基和词缀。In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.

派生词缀可加在已存在的形式词上形成的一个新词,原来存在的形式词被称为词干。A stem is the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added.

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词干的定义是任何词缀可以加于其上的词的主要部分。A stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

该部分又按词缀的位置划分为“前缀”和“后缀”两小部分。Affix can be classified into suffix and prefix, depending on its position.

词缀是汉语语言学界颇有争议的问题。Affixation is quite a controversial issue in the circle of Chinese linguistics.

一般来说,词缀不能添加到语素的不同的语言起源。Generally, affixes can not be added to morphemes of a different language origin.

词尾“然”是上古就有的词缀,但在现代汉语中已经失去了活动能力。In Songshu, a lot of words are suffixed with"ran", which is with great flexibility.

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微山方言作为现代汉语中的一支,也存在大量的词缀现象。There are many affixes in Weishan dialect which is one of the Contemporary Chinese.

将词缀加入其他单词或词素以构成新词的方法。It refers to the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words or morphemes.

在维吾尔语中,词缀的数量有限且构词具有一定的规律性。There is limited number of affixes in Uyghur and word formation has certain regularity.

所给屈折词缀的用法的形态学规则是哪些?What are the morphological rules that govern the use of the given derivational affixes?

现代汉语典型词缀数量较少,并且大部分是不太活跃的。Typical affixes of contemporary Chinese is less in quantity, and most are not very active.

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这个过程中加入一个以上的词缀一个自由词素称为复杂的推导。This process of adding more than one affix to a free morpheme is termed complex derivation.

英语中有哪些主要屈折词缀?它们表达什么语法意义?What are the main inflectional affixes in English? What grammatical meaning do they convey?

但是日语中存在不少功能不同的形容词性词缀,表现出形容词丰富多彩的一面。However, in Japanese there are a lot of adjective affixes presenting the variety of adjectives.