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他是个通奸者。He's an adulterer.

我们也是通奸犯。We are also adulterers.

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这样人人都能通奸了?So everyone can roll in fornication?

在美国的一些州,通奸属于犯罪。Fornication is a crime in some American states.

这段话包含的故事通奸。This passage contains the story of the adulteress.

一个年轻男子通奸被告成自我放逐驱动。A young man accused of adultery was driven into self-exile.

那是一个因赌博、酗酒和通奸而臭名昭著的神灵。It is the notorious gambling, drinking, fornicating spirit.

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戈拉米说,在伊朗,官员认为通奸是比谋杀还罪大恶极的重罪。In Iran, officials consider adultery worse than murder, Gholami said.

如果您已被作弊就您的配偶,你是作为一个通奸者。If you have been cheating on your spouse , you are being an adulterer.

他太太被证实曾与几个男人通奸。It was proved that his wife had misconducted herself with several men.

通奸的法条在历史上一直都跟宗教脱不了关系。The laws on fornication have historically been tied up with religions.

阿卜杜拉不想因为通奸而被石头砸死,是吧?Abdullah didn’t want to be stoned for participating in adultery, did he?

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在南传大藏经之中,这条原则被用来批判通奸。In the Samyutta Nikaya he uses this principle to advise against adultery.

讨论婚姻不可能避开性无能和通奸这样的题目。Discussions of marriage cannot avoid topics such as impotence and adultery.

看起来要求停止通奸的宗教只有穆斯林才知道了。It seems that the religion that seeks to stop fornication is only known to Muslims.

奢侈会蔓延整块陆地,通奸不会被制止,使人类堕落。Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind.

有人提议将通奸变成违法的犯罪行为,然而民意并不认同。However, proposals to make adultery a criminal offense have met little popular support.

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苏珊当时手头紧,丽塔给了她几百美金诱使我和她发生通奸行为。Susan was hard up for money at the time and Rita paid her few hundred bucks to screw me.

如果你做过那么上帝就会视你为撒谎者,小偷,亵渎者,通奸者。If you have done those things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart.

古代法中通奸是指男女之间不正当的性行为。According to the ancient law adultery means improper kind of sexual behavior between man and woman.