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建立斜接接合。Creating miter joints.

转向柱轴接合器过紧。Column shaft coupler binding.

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一块木头将两部分接合起来。A piece of wood unites the two parts.

这木头的顶部和边缘接合得很好。The wooden top and sides cohered well.

默认情况下,新创建的线程是可接合的。By default, the new created is joinable.

你能将这些碎片接合起来吗?。Can you join the broken pieces together ?

把抽屉的侧面牢固地接合起来…Securely jointed the sides of the drawer.

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儿童的断骨容易接合。The broken bones of a child unite easily.

桶的凸边必须用机械方法接合,或焊接。Chimes shall be mechanically seamed or welded.

他慢慢地打开了用合页接合的箱子盖。He slowly opened the lid that hinged to the box.

铜柱,和上下盖铜板接合。Copper columns, bonded with top and bottom plate.

这种理想的连结方式,让其它各类接合方式瞠乎其后。An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.

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你在吉他组装接合的地方是使用什么东西?。What do you use for the other joints of the guitar?

在编程过程中应当联接可接合线程。Joinable threads should be joined during programming.

无论弯头、方管还是圆管都可制作接合。Can fabricate and joint together either bent or rect. pipe.

我希望断骨的两头会接合好。I hope the two edges of that broken bone will knit smoothly.

二极体柱状接合面电场分布分析。The Potential Distribution of Cylindrial junction for diode.

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各块木构件接合在一起组成了桌腿。Together, the pieces are joined to form the legs of a table.

接合后存在残余应力起因于材料的热膨胀系数。After jointing, coefficient of expansion leads to remain force.

我认为黏接剂才是最有前途的接合方式。I think adhesives are the most promising connection device, Dr.