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以一个引证结束,或者号召大家去行动。Conclude with a quote or call to action.

我是从ISI科学论文引证系统知道您。I know of you from the ISI paper citation system.

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魔鬼也会引证<圣经>来为自己辩护。The devil can cite scripture for his own perpose.

一方面,该代码是在一个大引证字符串中。For one thing, the code is in one big quoted string.

FDA引证兰伯西违反了“良好生产规范”。The FDA cited violations to “good manufacturing practice”.

技术优势和安全才是得到引证的最重要的利益。Technical superiority and security are the top benefits cited.

剪贴簿包含着照片,引证,剪报,和结果。A scrapbook. Include photos and quotes and clippings and events.

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但总理显然忽略了更重要的引证。The Prime Minister has conveniently ignored the more significant quote.

他们的法律在这我就不引证了,但它牵扯到道德的问题。I’m not going to quote their law here, but it has to do with moral issues.

达到了地质分析与数值模拟相互引证的目的。Both geological analysis and numerical simulation can be firmed each other.

当时奥巴马引证的是一份人们通常可接受的且会被不断更新的研究数据。Obama was citing a commonly accepted and constantly updated body of research.

该研究的作者们也引证了单性别学校和男女同校的成果是均等的。Study authors cite evidence that single-sex and coeducational outcomes are equal.

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这个例子显示了一个被美国最高法院拒绝发放调卷令的案例引证。This example shows a U. S. Supreme Court case citation to a denial of certiorari.

最高法院的决定就是引证了对测试的精确性的科学判断。The Supreme Court decision cited scientific judgments about the accuracy of the test.

这条引证让我想到了计算机技术给词典编撰所带来的变革。This citation leads me to reflect on the change in dictionaries brought by computers.

在一个脚注中多于一个引证,用分号隔开。Where more than one citation is given in a single footnote, separate them with semi-colons.

这第一条引证出自1557年,而且它还将一位当时伟大的航海家和地理绘图者带入我们的视野。That first citation is from 1557 and comes to us from a great navigator and map maker of the time.

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他们只做了引证,发现二者有内在且多变的联系。They conducted a survey and, like researchers do, found that a bunch of variables are inter-related.

致使今日学者的研究,仍不断引证或采用这些历史资料。The musicologists today continue to cite and adopt the result of this work because of its significance.

当专家引证激光浓缩商业化可能带来的危害时,他们经常指向伊朗。When experts cite possible harm from the commercialization of laser enrichment, they often point to Iran.