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严于律己,更要宽以待人。Be strict to oneself , be more tolerant to others.

严以律己,宽以待人。Be strict with yourself and lenient toward others.

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我能教你与人为善,但不能强迫你宽以待人。I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot force you to be gracious.

为人处世上,我严于律已、宽以待人。Conducting oneself in society, I have already strict in law, lenient with others.

谁若想在困厄时得到援助,平时就应宽以待人。Whoever wants to get help when in trouble must be lenient with others everyday life.

宽以待人者不仅能赢得他人的友谊,还会得到他人的关爱。Those giving other people generously of their tolerance can win love and care as well as friendship of others.

宽以待人者不仅能赢得他人的友谊,还会得到他人的关爱。Those giving other people of their patience and tolerance can win love and care as well as friendship of others.

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我们这样遇事就批评和挑剔是绝无结果的。我信奉“宽以待人”的原则。We shall never get anywhere with all his criticism and faultfinding. I believe in the principle "Live and let live".

如果你是完美主义者,无论发生什么,都应试着放松自己宽以待人,享受每一天的生活。If you're the one who wants everything to be perfect, try to ease up on yourself and everyone else so you can enjoy the day, no matter what happens.

为人处世上、我坚持严于律已、宽以待人、做一个好的朋友、做一个促进团队和谐的队友。On social with people, I insist being strict to myself, being lenient to others and be a good friend while be a good team member to encourage the team's harmony.

最后,一旦性少数成长到毋庸置疑的某种规模和积累了经济和政治影响力,多数族群就会变得宽以待人和承认这个长期以来受到责难的性少数的地位。Eventually, once the group grows to a certain unsuspected size and gains economic and political influence, the majority relents and acknowledges the long-denied minority status.

如果你是完美主义者,无论发生什么,都应试着放松自己宽以待人,享受每一天的生活。If you’re the one who wants everything to be perfect, try to ease up on yourself and everyone else so you can enjoy the day, no matter what happens. Make the best of the situation.

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我们尊重自己和他人,用公正和高尚的品德对待他人,敞开胸怀听取每个人的意见和建议,宽以待人,严以律己。We respect ourselves and others, and treat people fairly and with dignity. We listen to ideas with an open mind. We will always be sensitive, and give praise openly, but criticize in private.

宽容表现在对非原则问题不斤斤计较,能够宽以待人,求同存异,以德报怨。Tolerance displays that a person does not care much too minor issues, he can treat others with tolerance, seek for common grounds while putting aside differences and take revenge with lenience.