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在公众场合裸体的呢?Naked in public?

除非他是裸体。Unless he was naked.

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接着,我们裸体相对。We then get into nudity.

在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。Bare all on a nude beach.

他画过裸体模特儿。He has painted nude models.

是啊,裸体贝果游戏?。Yeah. That naked bagel game?

我男朋友也是裸体主义者。My boyfriend’s a nudist, too.

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她把这叫做“裸体疗法”。She calls this “Naked Therapy.

她就像在空中展露自己的裸体。She shows herself naked in the sky.

你认为自己是一个裸体主义者吗?So would you call yourself a nudist?

很多时候想要裸体,不过跟性感无关。There's a lot of non-sexy naked time.

光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏。The light that plays, like a naked child.

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影片一开场,芭铎就裸体出镜。A film opening, Bardot nude appearance on.

英国公司要求员工裸体上班!Beeb Asks Employees To Come To Work Naked!

这就是我们的羞于裸体的原因。That's where our shame of nudity comes in.

当死亡,以可怕而恐怖的裸体When death, in hideous and ghastly starkness

一个裸体美女顿然出现在他面前,并走向了他。A beautiful, naked woman appears out of nowhere.

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斯帕克没有在船上裸体走动。Spock did not walk around naked around the ship.

死人是裸体还是衣锦准备远行?Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey?

没有那种裸体,也没有半夜还开着的留声机。None of this nudity and gramophones half the night.