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秀才无言以对。Scholar without made with the matter.

张秀才在梁家住了一个月。Zhang stayed at the Liang's for a month.

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从前有两个秀才一同进京赶考!There are two former Beijing scholar Examination together!

秀才一听,心灰意冷,回店收拾包袱准备回家。A scholar, disheartened, returned home ready to pack up shop.

憨憨与秀才是邻居,平时来往不多。Hanhan's neighbor, usually didn't socialize much and scholar.

这株花富丽堂皇,那里像个落第秀才了?This magnificent flower plants, where a scholar like the Poor?

到了唐朝初年,秀才是常科考试的一种。By the Tang dynasty, the scholar is often a kind of test subjects.

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秀才一听,心灰意冷,回店收拾包袱准备回家。Agencies say, Heartbroken, the burden back to the shop up to go home.

自此,王秀才每天便可吃到热腾腾、香喷喷的米线了。From then on, the scholar could have a delicious and hot meal everyday.

看,张秀才正和一帮朋友在树下吟诗呢!Look, Xiucai Zhang is chanting poems with a group of friends under the tree.

隋朝开始开科取士,最初亦为取秀才。Sui Dynasty began to open branches to take disabilities, also taking the first scholar.

这类人较有素质,一般不会发生秀才遇见兵有理说不清的悲剧。Such a person has the quality, general won't happen scholar can meet soldier rational tragedy.

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但后来“秀才科”被废,秀才一词一度变成了读书人的泛称。But then, "scholar Division" was abolished scholar once the term has become a reader's Pan said.

关于孩子底名字,秀才是煞费苦心地想着,但总想不出一个相当的字来。As to the baby's name, the scholar racked his brains, but just could not hit upon a suitable one.

很多秀才在功名上未能更进一步,只能回乡以教书等方法为生。Many scholar failed to further the fame and only returned home to teach other methods for a living.

明、清时,秀才是经过院试,得到入学资格的“生员”的俗称。Ming and Qing, the scholar after hospital tests, to be admission of "health trainers" commonly known.

有位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。One scholar third go to the capital sitting the imperial examinations, and live in a regular live stores.

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这三个梦似乎有些深意,秀才第二天就赶紧去找算命的解梦。This dream seems to have three deep, Xiucai hurry to find a fortune teller on the second day of the dream.

姐姐你有了小秀才还想要小和尚,不知羞,不知羞。Elder sister have small show just still want a little monk, not understand abashed, don't know to disgrace.

最多会有一些熏鸭,不过张秀才注意到,他的朋友梁至清一点也不吃。At most there might be some dried duck, but Zhang noticed that his friend Liang Zhiqing never ate any of it.