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有没有海水珠?Do you have sea born pearl?

一只熊游泳过后在甩干水珠。A bear shakes off after a swim.

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树叶上的水珠闪闪发亮。Moisture glinted on the leaves.

最初落下来的是大颗大颗的水珠,扑扑地打在尘土里。Thee first drops of rain are huge.

云是由小水珠组成的。Clouds are made up of little drops.

女人爱哭,泪眼就像水珠。Women love to cry, eyes like water.

积雨云中的水珠在气溶胶附近形成。Cloud droplets form around aerosols.

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那狗抖落掉身上的水珠。The dog shook off the drops of water.

盛著冰水的水罐表面在热天会结水珠。A pitcher of ice water sweat on a hot day.

当空气冷却时,水珠凝结。When it cools down, water droplets freeze.

高玻璃杯中的冰茶在热气中凝出水珠tall glasses of iced tea beading in the heat

干无花果上渗出许多小水珠。The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.

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是的!我——是一滴小小的亮晶晶的水珠。I am just one of the innumberable drops of water.

空气是那么的湿润,仿佛能凝成水珠。The air is so moist, as if drops can be cemented.

双层液体配方,明亮水珠质地。Dual-layer liquid formula has shinning watery texture.

水珠粘附在后门的纱屏上,就像松开了的项链珠子。Beads of water cling to its screen, necklaces unstrung.

所有形状可能向这颗水珠被运用由吹空气。Any shapes can be applied to this glob by blowing air in.

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用一块抹布在每次拍摄之后擦去水缸上的水珠。Use a rag to wipe splashes off of the tank between shots.

每当为它浇水的时候水珠总是迅速的滑下去。Whenever the water when it drops down to the always fast.

感觉好像有一些小水珠在你皮肤下。It probably feels like a little glob of Jello under your skin.