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这就需要流程图来解围了。This is where flowcharts come to the rescue.

对方角球,佐拉主罚,科尔多巴在远端头取解围。Zola takes, Cordoba heads clear at the far post.

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每次我遇到麻烦都是他帮我解围。E.g. He always comes to my rescue whenever I get stuck.

他们获得了三个角球,但全数被德罗巴以头球解围。They won three corners all of which Drogba headed away.

出现“紧缩”牌时,“保释”牌排忧解围。When the crunch-card turns up, a bail-out card offers a way out.

非常感谢你今天帮我解围。你真是一个大好人。Thank you so much for helping me out today. You're one in a million.

我常常回想起罗莎琳和她那天给我解围的情形。I often think about Rosalyn and the way she turned to save me that day.

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“埃菲亚斯·多吉向我们提到过她。”哈利说,想替赫敏解围。"Elphias Doge mentioned her to us, " said Harry, trying to spare Hermione.

明偷偷来找蓉被程林手下抓住,蓉替其解围。Ming secretly come to rong was caught by Cheng Lin men, and for the clearance.

卡利亚里左路反击。达格斯蒂洛传球入禁区,米哈解围!Cagliari attack down the left. Agostini crosses into the box, Mihajlovic clears.

第60分钟,孙祥传中,但是亚塔奇队解围。The 60th minute, in Sun Xiang biography, but the Asian Touchy team breaks through.

在左翼野猪传中至禁区中央,甘贝里尼抢在阿德前头球解围。Davids curls the ball into the middle, Gamberini anticipates Adriano and heads clear.

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彪悍的表现。基耶里尼在球门线前奇迹般地解围迪瓦约的射门。Powerful display, Chiellini executed one miraculous clearance off the line from Di Vaio.

然而,帕济尼的反弹球攻门也使得解围的科斯塔库塔惊出一身冷汗。However, Costacurta had to make a timely intervention to divert a Pazzini goalbound shot.

中年男子一见到花拉便上前纠缠,蒋元见状出言替花拉解围。Middle-aged man saw flowers pull it forward to entwine, jiang yuan he speak for spend clearance.

在球场另一端,阿尔梅达左路传球给切赫,被岩石头球解围。At the other end Samuel beats Almeida to a Cech cross from the left and makes a headed clearance.

一次左脚的大脚解围将球踢出本方禁区。One particular left-footed touch saw him pluck the ball from the air inside his own penalty area.

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萨姆埃尔活动到国米禁区右侧,抢在乌尔巴内克之前头球解围。Walter Samuel drifts to the right side of the Nerazzurri box to anticipate Urbanek and head clear.

乐儿给妙戈解围,然后告诉云狂自己去说服爹爹提供兵器的事情。LeEr give wonderful gerben clearance, and then tell cloud crazy to convince dad provide weapon things.

许凌梅观察豹头山情况引来姜媚怀疑,丁小虎替她解围。Xu Lingmei observed the leopard head mountain attracted Jiang Mei Ding suspected tiger for her rescue.