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科学是论述客观事实的。Science deals with facts.

我也喜欢客观式测验题。I like objective tests, too.

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既非写实,也不客观,亦非新闻报道,有的只是指指点点。Not journalism. Not objective.

它是客观存在的物体,一个实物It's objective. It's an object.

客观而非主观的对待目标。Be objective rather than subjective.

客观存在的法律对他不具备约束力。Impersonal laws cannot rule over him.

客观的值得更难捉摸些。Objective worthiness is more elusive.

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你必须使方法适合客观情况。You must adapt method to circumstance.

所以筹资风险是客观存在的。So funding risk is objective existence.

客观真理的相反就是致命。Objectivity is the opposite of fatality.

大范围的回暖是共有的客观事实。Greater resilience is a shared objective.

客观的分析和创意。Unbiased quizzical analysis and intuition.

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它是一个大国,这是一个客观事实。It is a fact that India is a large country.

客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。Circumstances forced us to change our plans.

施工图详细、客观,是画给施工队看的。Working drawings are detailed and objective.

对合理的可预见性的测试是客观的。The test is one of reasonable foreseeability.

他者的存在,是一种客观实在。The others' existence is an objective reality.

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巴赫属于客观型艺术家。Bach belongs to the order of objective artists.

没错,即使对付怪咖,你也得保持客观的态度。Yes, even with jerks, you have to be objective.

他把失败归咎于客观条件。He ascribed his failure to objective conditions.