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松香甘油酯的制备及结果讨论。The discussion of rosin glyceride's preparation.

各松香厂都是当地嘀经济支柱。Every gum rosin factory is local economic pillar.

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拍松香茅以及南姜,切段。Crush the lemongrass and galanga. Cut into sections.

松香可取代一定百分比的二元酸。Some percentage of dibasic acids were replaced by rosin.

所述的增粘剂为石油树脂或松香树脂。The anchoring agent is petroleum resin or abietic resin.

琴弓需要松香,就像警车需要犯人。A bow needs rosin just like a police car needs prisoners.

木质油,适量松香,亚麻子油煮成的混合物。A cooked mix of wood oil and mod. colophony, linseed oil.

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松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯的技术指标。Specifications of gum rosin glyceride and hydrogenated ros.

把这种分散剂加入熔融的松香中,能够得到稳定的松香分散液。By adding REOSN to the melting rosin we can get a dispersion.

松香是一种具有重大经济价值的天然树脂。Gum rosin is a kind of natural resin with high economic value.

松香草体细胞染色体银染色研究。Silver staining of somatic chromosomes of Silphium perfoliatum.

松香基葡萄糖苷为烷基糖苷的一种。The rosin-based polyglucoside is one kind of alkyl polyglucoside.

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芭蕾舞女在她们的舞鞋脚尖端涂上松香,以避免演出时滑倒。Ballerinas coat their toe shoes with rosin to avoid onstage slips.

松香酸的含量影响对苯型不饱和聚酯与苯乙烯的相容性和活性。The solubility and reactivity of TUPR were improved by rosin acid.

本品用季戊四醇与特级松香酯而成。The production is estered from extra grade rosin and pentaerythritol.

介绍了一种比较理想的制备脱氢松香酸的方法。This article introduces a method of Preparation of dehydroabietic acid.

酯化是改变松香疏水性能的一种重要途径。Esterification is a important mean that can change the hydrophobic of rosin.

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松香是由一系列氢化菲结构的三环二萜一元树脂酸组成。A series of hydrogenated rosin is composed of tricyclic diterpene resin acid.

以富马酸和松香为原料制备富马海松酸。Fumaropimaric acid was prepared from rosin and fumaric acid as raw materials.

白松香是伞形科植物,长于伊朗和阿富汗。Source Galbanum is an umbelliferous plant that grows in Iran and Afghanistan.