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室内运动会。Indoor Olympics.

一个街舞博物馆,街舞的发源地是布朗克斯,还是一个室内游乐园?An indoor amusement park?

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请调一下室内天线。Please adjust the antenna.

室内足球是怎么得名的呢?How did futsal get its name?

我们大家成群地进出室内。We all trooped into the room.

圣本笃教堂,室内。St. Benedict Chapel, Interior.

乒乓球是室内运动。Table-tennis is an indoor game.

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我们都把鞋子穿进室内。We all keep our shoes on indoors.

你喜欢室内运动吗?Are you interested in indoor sports?

我也喜欢体操——还有其他的室内运动。I like it too – and the other indoor

在棚室内选育成功的。Breeding success indoors in the shed.

他不惯于在室内打球。He is unaccustomed to playing indoors.

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有时在室外,有时在室内。Sometimes outdoors, sometimes indoors.

一个典型木屋的惯有室内装饰。The typical interior of a typical hut.

他们将这台泵从室内搬出。They removed the pump out of the room.

我们使用电作我们室内照明。We use electricity to light our house.

通常的室内田径场是一个400米长的椭圆。A typical outdoor track is a400 m oval.

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»在室内,你会避免把雨伞打开么?Do you avoid opening umbrellas indoors?

它既是室内运动也是户外运动。It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.

室内有了些许怡人的黑暗The half dark in the room is delicious.