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老年人的体味是真的么?Is "old-person smell" real?

体味幕天席地水边露营的浪漫!Let's go camping next to water!

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准备好去体味那些鲣鱼薄片。Get ready to savor those bonito flakes.

我还能再次体味这般宁静吗?Will I ever again experience such peace?

谁又可以或许大概匹里劈脸体味祂的能量呢?Who can begin to understand his energies?

洗澡可使身体保持洁净,体味清香。Bathing will keep clean and smelling nice.

陌生悳国度,体味到孤独。Strange country, to appreciate loneliness.

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这个气味是体味,每个人都有体味。That smell is body odor, and everyone gets it.

你的体味事实上给她带来了一种非常有益的影响。Your body odor actually affects her in a good way.

慢慢体味颊齿留香的感觉。Cheek teeth Liuxiang slowly appreciate the feeling.

也许你真的已健忘,体味我们的思疑?Maybe you really forgave us knowin' we was confused?

直人们就更加倾向于喜欢体味“平平淡淡才是真”了。Straight people more often prefer a lento placidity.

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他希望其他老总们能理解他的良苦用心,与他一道体味这份“苦涩”。He hopes that other bosses will wake up and smell the coffee.

惟其如此,才能体味到“赠人玫瑰,手有余香。”"Only so can appreciate the" gifts of roses, hand a fragrance.

棠梨叶落胭脂色,荠麦花开白雪香“,让我们体味斑澜。" rouge color, flowers snow Mosla Michael Shannon, " Let us savor.

你的泪消不去我的体味,我在你的发间迷离。Consumers do not you tear my body, my hair in between your blurred.

但是此时我才分明体味到世态的炎凉,人心的不古!But now I just clear to appreciate the naked, generally not ancient!

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体味是聪明之父,追忆是聪明之母。Experience is the fto be found ather of wisdom and memory the mother.

从章的学习上来说,要注重反复体味,“摹”篇布局。From the chapter study, want to notice body repeatedly, "copy" layout.

而家境不好的,从小就深深地体味到人间的冷暖。The family was poor, deeply appreciate an early age to human well-being.