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或者你想开始收藏酒及其酒具吗?Or perhaps you're just starting your own wine collection?

酒具的形状并不重要,主要看你自己的鉴赏品位。But the shape you choose really just comes down to your own aesthetic taste.

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2005年份的低收获率,让这款酒具有特殊的浓度效果。The 2005 vintage was low-yielding, producing fruit with exceptional concentration.

这款酒具有平易近人的风格,但仔细窖藏将呈现较好的复杂性。This style is already approachable, but will gain complexity with careful cellaring.

这种尊贵的酒具有深紫色的酒体,精致的酒身中酝酿的葡萄品种—味尔多。This elegant wine of intense purple tones and defined body has been obtained through the Petit Verdot.

这款酒具有异国情调,并且有着清爽的水果味。正如你所想象的,黑莓味。This has some exotic but cleanly presented fruit on the nose, dark, confit berries as you might expect.

尚为酒具是专业从事研发、生产、营销为一体的高级酒具制造企业。We are specialized in designing, developing , manufacturing and marketing wine accessories for many years.

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日常生活中人们接触最多的生活瓷有餐具、茶具、酒具、咖啡具和卫浴洁具等。The most accessible household porcelain includes tableware, tea set, wine set, coffee and sanitary ware, etc.

从七月份开始,酒馆和酒吧需小计量酒具,让顾客们可以选择。From July, pubs and bars will be forced to offer smaller drinking measures so customers can choose to drink less.

与美丽的蕨类植物叶片切格局的酒具,酒具和礼品,收藏范围最广。With beautifully cut fronds the Fern pattern has the widest range of stemware , barware and gift items in the Collection.

这种具有精确几何形状的酒杯能够使品酒者以最少的酒具享受尽可能多的酒香。The precise geometrical shape of the glass makes wine taster enjoy most of the mellow aroma of the wine with least wine set.

这里有240多个单品的葡萄酒和各种酒具供您选择,并且有我们专业的葡萄酒顾问。在英蓝店您总能找到适合您的葡萄酒!With the selection of 240 wines, accessories and our perfessional wine consultants, you can always find the the best wine here.

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此酒具有如雪利酒般的深色色泽,带有胡桃木及小型红色果实的香味,如丝般柔顺的单宁令陈年后的酒更具魅力。With a deep sherry color, developing walnut and little red fruits aromas, this wine has silky tannins that will help him to age.

电动红酒开瓶器、红酒开瓶器、真空瓶塞、倒酒器、陶瓷刀、硅胶餐厨具、酒具等产品。Our major products are electric corkscrew, corkscrew, vacuum stopper, wine pourer, foil cutter, ceramic knives and dining products.

香滑、浓郁——伊甸威尔设若兹酒具有优质澳大利亚设若兹所广为推崇的深色水果的味道与风情。Smooth and concentrated, EDENVALE Shiraz possesses the dark fruit flavours and spice so much appreciated in quality Australian Shiraz.

五粮小曲酒具有清雅细腻、醇和回甜、余味爽净的独特风格。The produced Xiaoqu liquor had its typical styles including elegant and exquisite and mellow taste and clean and enjoyable aftertaste.

本款酒具有黑莓派、波尔图葡萄酒、辣味以及太妃糖的迷人的芳香味,除了归功于糖分之外,更多的则有赖于葡萄成熟过程中的其他物质。This wine's wonderful bouquet of blackberry pie, port, spice and toffee owes much to the ripening of grape substances other than sugar.

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配制出的茶酒具有茶和酒的香气特征,口感柔和,色泽淡黄,晶莹透亮,品质好。The tea liquor is characterized by the aroma of tea and liquor, gentle mouthfeel, light yellow colour, clear appearance and fine quality.

重酒体,单宁结合完美使之达到平衡。经过大橡木桶的短时间熟成让该款酒具有特殊的回味。The taste is full-bodied, tannic and harmonious but with a particular back-taste because of the brief maturing in harmonious big oak casks.

作为酒具,仁和馆四系瓶上的这种与酒肆有关的名号反映了当时酒肆繁昌的现实。As a main type of wine vessels, the four-handle-bottle, especially those with the epigraphy of Ren He Guan reflects the prosperous of wine shops.