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女人是传宗接代的工具吗?Are the women a tool for reproduction?

人类的传宗接代如同落叶归根“Very like leaves upon this earth are the generations of men."

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这些对进化的最终目标非常重要,即——传宗接代。All of this is important in evolution’s ultimate goal—successful procreation.

男人生命中的一项任务就是生个儿子传宗接代。One of a man's life missions is to produce a son to continue the family name.

至于所谓的传宗接代,世界上多一个少一个姓我的姓或是姓张王李赵的又有什么关系?As for the perpetuation of a name, what is one Warthman or Wang more or less in the world?

有大约百分之八十的男同性恋都在传宗接代的压力下和女性结婚。About 80 percent of gay men are pressured into marrying women in order to produce offspring.

对他来说妻子只是为他传宗接代的代号,外面的女子只是他衣服,不合身了,就换掉。His wife just as his name code, outside of the woman he just clothes, do not fit, then change it.

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家庭需要儿子来传宗接代,继承财产以及养老送终的职责。Families wanted a son to bear the family name, to inherit property and to carry out funerary duties.

仅仅几个月的时间里,杰克从我妻子的小兄弟变成了一个传宗接代的新爸爸。In just a few months’ time, Jack went from my wife’s little brother to a hands-on, first-time father.

叔父当然非常关心我的教育,我是季家惟一的传宗接代的人。Uncle was very concerned about my education, since I was only one that could carry on the family line.

身为邢家的一分子,邢家期待著我能传宗接代,光宗耀祖。As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors.

一个家庭总是认为房屋投资对于传宗接代、香火延续来说是必要的。Families regard the investment in a home as a necessary investment in the continuation of the family line.

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这就让拥有白皙皮肤的女性成为传宗接代更理想的对象。This made paler-skinned women more ideal candidates to mate with and produce genetically healthy offspring.

估计有几百万女婴被流产,因为在中国有男孩传宗接代的传统。Millions of baby girls are believed to have been aborted in a country which traditionally favors male heirs.

阿昌族社会对于“性”的认知和态度往往与传宗接代的生殖观念糅合在一起。The comprehension and attitude about the sex in Achang society often mixed with the traditional idea of procreate.

而此时谷老夫人想要给谷风重新找一媳妇,给谷家传宗接代,结果被谷风果断的拒绝了。While the old lady wants to tanikaze Valley to find a wife, to the Valley home jackleg, tanikaze was decisively rejected.

而传宗接代正是中国人最大的孝行,所谓“不孝有三,无后为大”即为此意。The heir is the largest Chinese filial piety, so-called "filial there are three, half a million for" that is intended to do.

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因为家里能传宗接代的只有弟弟,他们觉得我家在人丁方面很弱,所以看不起我们。Because my family was able to procreation only brother, they feel weak in my home in the growing family, so look down upon us.

她的丈夫以传宗接代为借口开始纳妾,然后搬到汉城,开始做新的生意。Her husband started keeping concubines on the pretext of trying to carry on the family line and moved to Seoul to start a new business.

教男孩子做饭和打扫,这样他就不会把自己的妻子当做传宗接代的家仆,教他们懂得怜悯和独立。Teach the boys to cook and clean so they don't treat their wives as child-bearing domestic servants-teach them compassion and independence.