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切忌冲动购物。Avoid impulse buys.

亦切忌干烧过长。Also must not dry too long.

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切忌使用复制粘贴。Never, ever, copy and paste.

她警告我们大家切忌无知。She cautioned us against ignorance.

切忌主观片面。Be careful to avoid being subjective and one-sided.

我告诫他谈话切忌轻率。I warned him against indiscretion in his conversation.

将帽子里面塞上毛巾,平放阴干,切忌吊挂晒干。In 5, the hat plug towel, flat dry, avoid hanging to dry.

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吃东西时切忌狼吞虎咽,这可能会让你发胖。Don't gobble down your food. It'll make you fat if you do.

切忌用此开瓶器开启塑胶瓶塞和汽酒。Don't use this corkscrew for plastic cork and sparking wine.

此时,切忌不甘失败的心理,不恋战是明智之举。At this time, avoid to defeat psychological, not tired is wise.

坦诚以待。切忌急于说出“正确”的东西,要诚实。Be truthful. Don't rush to simply say the right thing, be honest.

保持冷静切忌一步登天也非常重要。It’s important to keep your cool and don’t push yourself too far.

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设计者切忌为了使用图标而使用图标。Designers should never use icons just for the sake of having icons.

远离充电座。人体应远离30公分以上,切忌放在床边。From charging. Human should be far away from 30 cm above all, bedside.

估计起重量,切忌超载使用。It is estimated that the lifting capacity, prohibits the overload use.

肺纤维化患者切忌吃辛辣生冷的食物。Patients with pulmonary fibrosis avoid by all means is spicy food cold.

切忌土壤过涝,尤其在最初几周。The soil must not be overwatered, especially during the first few weeks.

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切忌偏离事实、交代不清、内容空洞。Avoid by all means is from the fact, the account is not clear, content empty.

但是我还是要提醒你,切忌你对爱的表达太过泛滥。However, it is best advisable to limit your declarations of love and endearments.

用餐的时候,切忌打饱嗝,否则会被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。It is very rude to burgh during meals, or it will be seen as a very rude behaviour.