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平底锅里加入2汤匙油。Add 2 tablespoon oil to pan.

别试著折弯汤匙。Do not try and bend the spoon.

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用汤匙舀冰激凌。Scoop out ice-cream with spoon.

她用汤匙喂婴儿。She feeds the baby with a spoon.

她舔净了汤匙上的蜜。She licked the honey off the spoon.

我通常一天吃两汤匙。I usually eat two tablespoons a day.

她用汤匙搅咖啡。She stirred her coffee with a spoon.

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请再给我包里放一把汤匙。Please put one more spoon in the bag.

用1汤匙盐放入黄瓜段里撮匀。Rub cucumber slices with 1 tbsp salt.

汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。The spoon has been rusty from disuse.

另外一尾可爱的汤匙头形过背。Another lovely super spoon Cross back.

用汤锅烧开半锅水,放入两片姜和一汤匙料酒。Bring a stockpot of water to the boil.

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拿出手鼓、汤匙之类的。Bring out the tambourines, spoons, etc.

方法是不要使用冷藏或者铁制的汤匙。Don't refrigerate or use a metal spoon.

用汤匙舀取豌豆吃是不合礼节的。It's improper to eat peas with a spoon.

每只锅中放入1大汤匙黄油。Add 1 tablespoon butter to each skillet.

超级汤匙头形的布奇美拉蓝底过背金。A quality super spoon head BMB cross back.

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睡前要喝掉满满一汤匙。One table-spoonful to be taken at bed-time.

两汤匙酸奶酪放在威化饼上。Spread 2 tbsp. of the yogurt on the waffle.

1大汤匙或是1茶匙中国绍兴黄酒teaspoon Chinese Shaoxing cooking rice wine