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对有缺点错误的,诚恳帮助,以理服人。Those who have made mistakes are given sincere help and advice.

其次,法律语言的核心问题是理性,是以理服人。Legal language is the soul of elite and the vitality of the populace.

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她演讲时并非靠以理服人而是要打动听众的感情。The speaker appealed more to the feelings of her audience than to their reason.

营造品牌气氛,塑造情感氛围,以理服人,以情动人。The atmosphere and create a brand, create karma by reasoning with passion and moving.

其次,法律语言的核心问题是理性,是以理服人。Secondly, the core of legal language is rational. Only by reasoning can we convince people completely.

一旦你们坐下来交谈,必须放弃感情用事,而应该考虑在生气过程中寻求事实依据,以理服人。Once you sit down to talk, forget personal feelings and think of the discussion as a fact-finding mission.

在引用前人研究成果的基础上,结合书中出现的具体错误进行细致地分析,做到有理有据,以理服人。On the basis of previous studies, it analyses the specific errors existed in the book in detail. In the end, make the paper to be with reason.

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在改革开放,建设社会主义市场经济的今天,继承和发扬我党政治思想工作的优良传统,坚持在解决运动员思想认识问题时以理服人。Nowadays, during the course of socialist market economy construct we will continue to take over and develop our Party's excellent tradition in political work.

在美国,孩子们从小就会讲道理,每当有什么小冲突,都能摆出一副以理服人的架势,令你觉得又好笑又可爱。In the U.S., from small children would reason, whenever there is any small conflict can be assumed a posture of reasoning, to make you think it funny and cute.

做好新时期高校学生思想政治工作要做到“以理服人”、“以情感人”、“以行示人”和“以利导人”。In order to do it well, we should persuade students according to justice, move students by feeling, guide students by means of right action, channel students, action according to benefits.

这里的巧妙得法就是说要在尊重学生的基础上,抓住恰当的教育时机并选择适当的方式进行,做到以情感人,以理服人。Clever to say here is suitably in respect for the students on the basis of appropriate education to seize the opportunity and select the appropriate manner, so that people with emotional reasoning.