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那个女人开始小声的哼唱。The woman starts humming.

她正向婴儿低声哼唱。She was crooning to her baby.

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我整个星期都在哼唱ABBA音乐。I’ve been humming ABBA all week.

库尔特轻声地随着格伦一起哼唱。Kurt quietly sang along with Glen.

它也应该通过“哼唱问询”测试。It should also pass the humming-query test.

经四母亲推动婴儿摇篮时的哼唱。Even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle.

哼唱时还有个小秘诀,那就是你必须得微笑。The secret trick to humming is that you must smile.

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介绍了运用哼唱进行检索的点歌系统。This paper presents a music query system by crooning.

抚摸心头的荒芜,哼唱内心遗落许久的感伤。Touch my heart lost for a long time desolate, humming.

“真是的。”他小声的抱怨。那个女人开始小声的哼唱。"Man, that's messed up," he mutters. The woman starts humming.

她哼唱过一段甜蜜、优美的旋律,但在我看来,夏的歌似乎词不达意…It sang a sweet melody, but couldn't seem to find the right words.

那天晚上晚些时候,刘易斯开始哼唱另一首斯普林斯汀的歌曲。Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.

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他在房间里给我放歌,然后自己也跟着后面哼唱着。He sings to me in the room, and then he also follow behind the humming.

据新浪报道,百度音乐哼唱搜索于本周一上线。Baidu launched a voice-based music search service Monday, Sina reported.

把消极思想转换成声音,比如你哼唱的旋律。Translate the negative thought into a sound, such as a jingle that you sing.

我说,‘Deb,我可以待到那个胖女人唱歌,她现在只是哼唱。’I said, ‘Deb, I’m staying till the fat lady sings, and she’s only humming now.’

哼唱摇篮曲一定要优美、动听,并注意音准。Singing a lullaby must be beautiful, pleasant, and pay attention to intonation.

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但一般只会低声哼唱的蛐蛐儿,可以在宠物市场上从农民那里,花几美元就能买到。But typical crooners can be bought from farmers in pet markets for a few dollars.

如果你能领悟音乐,你会发现自己通过大声哼唱来理解其中的含义。If you can read music, you will find yourself humming aloud to see what he means.

铜管或木管乐器演奏者可以在演奏时哼唱,用来同时产生两个音调。A brass or woodwind player may hum while playing , to produce two pitches at once.